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I appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to talk about Elizabeth Warren's representation of Dow Chemical in breast implant litigation, and how she has not been forthright about her role. She portrays herself as having fought for the women, when the reality was quite different. The Washington Post recently published an investigation that confirmed my prior reporting that Warren's representation of Dow Chemical, the parent corporation of the breast implant manufacturer, Dow Corning, was not to help the women.

On July 15, 2019, I spoke at the Department of Justice Summit on Combatting Anti-Semitism, on a panel regarding Anti-Semitism on Campus. My presentation was on "Intersectionality." Attorney General William Barr, in his opening statement to the Summit, specifically noted the importance of intersectional anti-Semitism:

Monday morning, Professor Jacobson joined The Michael Berry Show to discuss the recent verdict, awarding $11 million to Gibson's Bakery, who sued the college claiming defamation. During the interview, Professor Jacobson dismembered what's becoming national media spin -- that the case was actually a case about campus free speech. As Jacobson explained, "it's not."

Robert Mueller's statement today could have served only one purpose -- to breath life into Democrat attempts to commence impeachment proceedings against Trump. Mueller didn't add any substance to the 400-page report, and most of his statement was related to procedures, including his resignation, the closing of the special counsel's office, and his desire not to testify about the report beyond the report itself.

Elizabeth Warren posted on her campaign website a list of 56 cases on which she worked while employed as a law professor. In some of the cases she acted as legal counsel in a litigation, in others she gave legal advice outside of a court litigation, and in others she was retained as an expert. Soon after that information dump, the Washington Post ran a story about it, indicating WaPo had been looking into Warren's legal caseload, While teaching, Elizabeth Warren worked on more than 50 legal matters, charging as much as $675 an hour:

There has been near complete silence by national media regarding Gibson's Bakery v. Oberlin College, which we have covered since the initial protests through the current ongoing trial. The case is proceeding under the national media radar no more, as Tucker Carlson covered the case tonight. I was a guest on the program to discuss the implications of the case.

While the airwaves and internet have been flooded with discussion of the interaction in D.C. between Covington Catholic High School students and an activist who is Native American, there has been very little focus on what I consider a critical fact. The activist approached and waded into the crowd of students accompanied by numerous supporters carrying video cameras.

I was a guest on the Mark Levin Show on Wednesday evening, April 4, 2018. The topic was my post, Rosenstein Memo confirming Mueller could investigate Manafort came a week after raid on Manafort’s home. We also covered related topics such as Manafort's attempt to get the case against him thrown out, and whether Donald Trump should agree to an in-person interview with Mueller.

It appears that Fox News will not give in to the David Hogg, Media Matters and #TheResistance driven faux outrage over Laura Ingraham's mild rebuke of Hogg as someone who "whines." That faux outrage has been used to intimidate advertisers into fleeing Ingraham's highly-rated program. Fox News co-President Jack Abernathy just released this statement (via L.A. Times):