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Media Appearance Tag

I'm really not thrilled with the Featured Image. I look McSmirky. But it's the only close up of me at the podium I have from my lecture last night at the invitation of the Sharon (MA) Republican Town Committee.

During my recent trip to D.C., I had a chance to sit down for an interview with Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform, which is part of The Leadership Institute. The topic was Elizabeth Warren, focusing on her Medicare-for-all plan, as well as her Native American problem and electoral prospects. From the Campus Reform write up, EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Cornell prof rips Elizabeth Warren's 'Medicare for all' plan to shreds:

I appeared on Friday night, November 1, on Fox News @Night with Shannon Bream, to discuss Elizabeth Warren's Medicare-for-All Tax Plan. When Warren first announced, a couple of weeks ago, that she would be releasing a tax plan to pay for her Medicare-for-All proposal, I predicted on the Shannon Bream show that it would be based on a set of unrealistic assumptions and projections to rig the calculation so she could falsely claim no middle class tax hike:

Elizabeth Warren has been catching flak from her fellow Democrat presidential candidates over her refusal to say how she will pay for her $30 trillion plus Medicare for All plan. In contrast to Bernie, who is honest enough to say he'll raise taxes including on the middle class (though even that won't raise enough revenue), Warren has employed the same strategy she use when caught falsely claiming to be Native American: Deflect and delay.

Monday night, we had the privilege of putting faces to screen names at our first ever Legal Insurrection reader reception. I've said often and firmly believe we have one of the internet's best readerships and having the opportunity to meet our readers in-person confirmed as much.