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Media Appearance Tag

My presentation at the Parents Unite conference: "Framing the narrative, I think at this stage, is really counter-framing the narrative, because we are up against an extremely organized and well-funded movement to push euphemistically called 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,' and race-based teaching throughout education."...

My appearance on Chicago's Morning Answer: "this is an issue that scares [Democrats] terribly because it cuts across racial groups. It cuts across ethnic groups. And it's very personal to parents. And that's why they're hitting so hard on it."...

My appearance on the John DePetro Show: "there's this specific, significant part of our society who controls education, who believes that perpetual, never-ending racial conflict is a good thing...

My column in The Washington Examiner: "America is on the precipice of a fundamentally fragmented educational system — red school districts, blue school districts — that teach very different curricula."...