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Kamala Harris Tag

In the first two years of the Trump presidency, no federal agency has been targeted by the left more than ICE. Just last week, 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris tried to draw a comparison between ICE and the KKK. Campus progressives have also singled out ICE for unfair criticism. In February, students at Rutgers successfully campaigned to have the agency removed from a government jobs fair. Now the law school at Seattle University has severed ties with ICE.

I'd say I can see Sen. Kamala Harris's (D-CA) 2020 presidential aspirations go down the drain, but something tells me this won't affect her. During the confirmation hearing for Ronald Vitello, the acting ICE director, to become the permanent director, Harris asked him if he sees any parallels between ICE and the KKK after she cited a tweet he sent in 2015 where he claimed "the Democrat Party was comparable to a 'liberal-cratic' or 'neo-Klanist' entity."

Today was a beautiful day in San Diego: Few clouds, 75 degree hight temperature, and light breeze. Why do I bring this up? Because last night's election results for the State lead me to conclude the weather is the sole aspect of this nuthouse worth touting.

The US Secret Service intercepted packages sent to the homes of the Clintons in New York and President Barack Obama in Washington that contain "possible explosive devices." The Clintons and Obama didn't receive the packages "because of screening procedures." CNN then reported the NYPD has responded to a suspicious package outside at Time Warner Center in New York, the home of the network. Law enforcement also intercepted a package meant for the White House at Joint Base Bolling in DC, but now reports say "that there was no suspicious package addressed to the White House."

Now that Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court, it's worth taking a look back at what changed the course of the fight. Democrats had thrown everything they had at Kavanaugh, including a misleadingly edited video circulated by Sen. Kamala Harris and false accusations of perjury circulated by many Democrats. None of it stuck, in part because of rapid fact response by the administration, Kavanaugh's team, and non-liberal media.

Hillary is doing everything you would expect her to do if she were preparing another presidential run in 2020. She and Bill just announced a national speaking tour, she attacked Kavanaugh, and she makes sure to keep herself in a news cycle just about every week.

Hillary Clinton feels cheated. The presidency should have been hers. The Russians did it. The deplorables did it. She is the victim deprived of her destiny.

You had to know California's junior Senator would get in on the anonymous, uncorroborated claim party. Late Wednesday night, Kamala Harris introduced a new accusation against Judge Kavanaugh. Harris claims an anonymous woman alleges a Kavanaugh gang rape party in the back seat of a car. None of the details have been provided.

As of this writing, it appears that Christine Blasey Ford still plans on testifying at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, September 27. A committee vote tentatively has been scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Friday, and a floor vote is likely early next week. Ford's attorneys still are objecting to some of the planned procedures, including the use of an as-yet unidentified female sex crimes prosecutor to ask questions for Republicans. Having complained that a female accuser would face questioning from the all-male Republicans on the committee, Democrats are now complaining that those male Senators have hired a female attorney to ask questions.

California Senator and likely presidential candidate Kamala Harris spread a misleadingly edited video of Brett Kavanaugh's hearing testimony, falsely claiming Kavanaugh views birth control as the equivalent of abortion. From that, the argument goes, if Kavanaugh voted against Roe v. Wade, birth control would be banned.