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Ithaca Tag

and it is Ithaca, in about two weeks after a summer in Rhode Island. This is Rhode Island, at the beach near my house a few days ago at dusk: This is Ithaca, on a street near my house a few weeks ago during a short return...

I previously photographed this vehicle near my house in Ithaca, but reader and friend T.P. Hobbit recently photographed it with a brand new baby bumper sticker on the left rear corner: I've seen most of these before but not the "Criminalize Fracking" one on the upper...

Spotted in Ithaca: ...

Elizabeth Warren isn't the only unlikely native. We all are. Spotted in Ithaca: ...

Considering some of the bumper stickers on this car, I wonder what the owner considers negativity. One person's positivity is another person's negativity, I guess. Spotted in Ithaca not too far from my house: ...

Considering the bumper sticker below, spotted in Ithaca, a little history lesson is in order: The Saint Patrick's Day Four (also, The Saint Patrick's Four, or SP4) are four American peace activists of Irish Catholic heritage who poured their own blood on the walls, posters, windows,...

Back in '08, you thought he was gonna change it and rearrange it, he was gonna change the world. Now, a little progress is good enough. Spotted in Ithaca: ...

Spotted in Ithaca, this is a variation on the ubiquitous anti-fracking bumper stickers. Gas or water? This driver obviously chose gas, because the car was filthy. ...

I guess the comparison to Obama was inevitable, and NBC goes full "deja vu" on the new Mayor of Ithaca, Svante Myrick. I wouldn't pigeonhole him yet; he ran an insurgent campaign against the entrenched Ithaca Democratic political establishment and also defeated the designated Progressive candidate.  He won with...

done that, on a smaller scale.  Didn't work out that well. Spotted in a car rear window in Ithaca not far from my house: ...

I'll try to remember to ask. Another one from reader Rick, who took this photo in Ithaca (at a stop light, of course) and writes: This one is non-political, but hilarious. If you don't get it, please ask me. ...

Thanks to reader Rick who spotted this vehicle  in Ithaca, and writes: I was hoping to catch the plume of greasy black smoke which I had previously seen coming out of the exhaust pipe, but I shot too soon. But we gotta stop that fracking. Talk about small...

Or not.  But now that Maurice "Red" Hinchey is retiring, you may want to bookmark these images. Thanks to a Cornell student reader for this photo: ...

Maurice Hinchey is the Democratic Congressman for the soon to disappear NY-22 District, which snakes its way from college town to college town in upstate NY ending up in Ithaca. I've highlighted Hinchey before.  He made Dennis Kucinech look like Dick Cheney.  And he didn't take...

Listen up.  I'm sick and tired of your feel good faux-profundity. Does it make you feel good to buy those $4 lattes at Gimme Coffee?  Maybe you should put this bumper sticker on the car too. Spotted by an LI student reader in the Collegetown section of Ithaca: ...

who didn't get the "civility" or public decency memos. Click on image to enlarge and see why. ...

We definitely have a hokey pokey administration, except that we only seem to put our left hand and foot out. That probably suits this vehicle owner, since it was spotted in Ithaca: ...