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Israel Tag

The video below, Absolutely Uncertain (h/t @SGLawrence) already has over 800,000 views on YouTube. I understand Irina's point, the trust in Obama has been shaken, and now she is uncertain about Obama's commitment to Israel. I'm not uncertain.  I am certain that in a second term, freed...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York today, using a drawing of a bomb as a visual aid to express the Iranian nuclear program. He drew a red line where he believes the UN should intervene. Netanyahu: I brought a...

Obama's comment about "noise" in the Middle East -- meant to refer to Israeli concerns about Iran -- has distracted from the most dangerous play in Obama's 60 Minutes interview Sunday. "Noise" was not the problem, it was that Obama set up Israeli "noise" as inconsistent with...

Not really surprising, but there still are stupid supporters of Israel who believe that removing Jerusalem from the DNC platform was just a technical error. Via Haaretz, White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama The White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's request on...

As detailed here many times, there are just as many Jewish refugees from Arab countries as there are Arab refugees from Israel.  The Jewish refugess are the refugees whose name the United Nations dare not speak. Israel finally is starting to put on the table the...

Muslim Brotherhood member President Mohamed Morsi has sacked the senior Egyptian military command, the primary secular counterweight to Islamist fundamentalist control of Egypt. As reported by The Times of Israel: Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi fired Defense Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi and Chief of Staff Sami Anan on Sunday afternoon,...

The right to be offended is the foundation of our democracy. And the blogosphere. Thanks to reader Amy, who writes: I'm vacationing in Washington state, but here in the agricultural area of the Yakima valley, people are more conservative than the liberal coast--and it shows. Love your blog!...

The cycle of perpetual outrage and victimhood continues. Mitt Romney pointed out something obvious, that Israel has a record of economic success unmatched by those under Palestinian Authority control, attributing it to cultural and other factors: "As you come here and you see the GDP per capita,...

Let me be as clear as I can be.  Anyone who supports Israel must vote for Romney.  Obama, in complete control of foreign and military policy, will be unrestrained by electoral considerations in a second term, and will impose his vision of a Middle East settlement...

News just breaking, details to follow: According to initial reports, an Israeli tour bus was attacked at the Sarafovo International Airport in the Bulgarian vacation city of Bourgas. A Bulgarian website reported that there were multiple casualties in a bomb explosion. Army Radio reported that at least...

I've written before about the latest fad on the American left, accusations of Israeli "pinkwashing." Various anti-Israeli left-wing professors and professional activists, including those who hold themselves out as part of the gay rights movement, hold conferences to denounce pinkwashing, the positive publicity generated by Israel...

We have featured Pallywood here many times, the industry build on faux. From numerous instances of fauxtography to wildly exaggerated reports of massacres, this industry is devoted to building the narrative of perpetual Palestinian victimhood.  From the archives: Abid Katib – Palestinian Shoe Fauxtographer? (funny how those kids...

Via Professor Bainbridge, the Presbyterian Church once again is considering a divestment of Israeli companies as part of an ongoing attempt to boycott everything Israeli: Once again, the Presbyterian Church (USA) is considering divesting from certain companies that do business with the Israeli government. As I explained the last...

Or at least they will be soon, via AP: The Palestinian president cleared the way Wednesday for a possible autopsy on  Yasser Arafat's remains, following a request from his widow after a Swiss lab  said it found elevated levels of a lethal radioactive isotope on the...