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Immigration Tag

President Donald Trump will sign a bunch of executive orders today over national security issues, including a wall along the border of America and Mexico and policy against sanctuary cities. Trump will visit the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) where he will sign all the orders. Trump made immigration the cornerstone of his campaign, often talking about a wall along the border and stopping Syrian refugees from entering the country. According to the Associated Press, one person in the administration said the proposals "included a ban on entry to the U.S. for at least 30 days from countries including Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, though the person cautioned the details could still change."

Question for Cokie Roberts: how many refugees admitted into the US during WWII went on to commit mass-murder terrorist acts in our country? The question arises because on today's Morning Joe, Cokie contended that shutting out Syrian refugees would be like "shutting the Jews out during World War II." Roberts made her remark in the context of claiming that the plans President Trump has announced are "extremely dangerous for the United States of America."

The immigration battle is heating up in Texas. Just last Friday, "the newly elected sheriff, who campaigned on the issue, announced Friday that her department would reduce its cooperation with federal immigration authorities when they request an inmate be flagged for possible deportation. Her office said it would still continue to hold people charged with very serious crimes, such as capital murder." Monday, calling her directive "dangerous" and "shortsighted", Governor Greg Abbott sent a letter to Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez threatening to cut state funding if she persisted in her refusal to enforce federal immigration laws. Travis county is one of the state's few liberal vestiges and home of state capitol, Austin.

In the tense political maneuvering between California's progressive representatives and the Trump administration, our state may have just blinked first. The repeal and replacement of Obamacare has been one the most consistent promises of President Donald Trump during his successful campaign. And, controlling illegal immigration has been just about the biggest plank in Trump's platform. So, in the height of the general election campaign, our state's politicians decided it would be a great idea to be the first state to offer Obamacare to illegal immigrants.

What should comes as a warning to America, Germany is losing control of its streets thanks to Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy of uncontrolled migration. Details have emerged of coordinated sexual assaults in Berlin, bringing back the memories of last year's mass sexual assaults in the city of Cologne. Berlin Police initially downplayed the crimes, speaking of just 6 isolated cases. With just eight months to go for German elections, Merkel's government does not want negative press around its "Refugee Welcome" policy. Sexual attacks by migrants gangs took place just two weeks following the Berlin Christmas market attack by a Tunisian "refugee" that killed 12 people and injured 50 others. On Wednesday, Berlin police revealed the details of sexual attacks carried out by migrant gangs on New Year's Eve, with 23 cases of reported sexual assaults around Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate. Police confirmed detaining suspects of Pakistani and Iranian descent.

Now that Barack Obama's farewell speech is over, and there is less that 10 days until the inauguration, speculation is beginning about the actions that Donald Trump will take in his first 100 days in office. Doubtless, immigration will be on the top of his task list. Alan Gomez, immigration reporter for USA Today, notes that Trump will have broad presidential powers in dealing with "sanctuary cities".
Trump will be armed with a range of powerful options, including federal lawsuits and the power to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in grants that states and cities rely on.

In 2015, Kathryn Steinle was murdered by Francisco Sanchez, a Mexican citizen and illegal immigrant who had been deported five times prior to killing Steinle. Steinle was shot and killed while walking along San Francisco's Pier 14. “We have been and always will be a city of refuge, a city of sanctuary, a city of love...We promise to be a city that’s always welcoming. There are no walls in our city!” said San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, confirmed the city's sanctuary status. Following her death, Steinle's family filed a wrongful death suit against the city of San Francisco.

"We're going to build a big, beautiful wall and Mexico will pay for it!" President-elect Trump bragged while campaigning. Mexico said they would definitely not pay for a wall, but it looks like we might. Trump's transition team indicated the border wall was a top priority and that the incoming administration hopes to have Congressional approval of funding by as early as April.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has gained influence in Europe as Chancellor Merkel further isolates Germany with her open borders policy. According to British newspaper Daily Express, "Angela Merkel is losing her grip on power as European leaders openly side with Vladimir Putin." Despite months of back-channel European diplomacy, Merkel and top E.U. officials have failed to impose tougher sanctions against Russia aimed at forcing Putin to stop supporting Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad. Merkel's inability to unite European states could be attributed mainly to her refugee policy. Poland, Hungary and almost all the eastern European states have rejected Merkel’s call to follow Germany's example and open their borders to uncontrolled migration from Arab and Muslim countries.

Sweeping police action was needed to prevent the repeat of mass sexual assaults during this year's New Year's Eve celebrations in the city of Cologne, German police said. Police screened and detained arriving passengers at the main railway station as they headed towards the centre of Cologne. Security measures were focused at Arab-North African men. Cologne police detained more than 100 miscreants and ordered at least 1000 to leave the inner city. As no good deed goes unpunished, German politicians and media slammed police for targeting Arab-North African refugees in Cologne. In Merkel's Germany, inconvenience caused to an able-bodied migrant man bothers media and politicians more than the plight of an assaulted and brutalised woman.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to offer asylum to 1.1 million migrants will cost German taxpayers up to €1.5 trillion [$1.6 trillion], German newspaper Die Welt reports. The projection -- based on the research by Berlin-based think-tank Stiftung Marktwirtschaft -- only take into account the refugee intake of 2015. This moderate figure does not factor in the additional burden to the exchequer due to family reunions, as many of these young migrant men will also bring in large families from their native countries. Merkel’s 'Refugee Welcome' policy will be leaving a huge burden on Germany’s aging and shirking working population. If the trend persists; Germany will apparently go broke before it gets islamised.

Despite Merkel government’s all-out effort to prevent the breakdown of law and order in German cites ahead of the New Year’s Eve, wide cracks are appearing in country's police preparedness. What reads much like a dispatch from a lost battlefront, the union of police officers in the eastern German state of Thuringa has penned an open letter describing the dire state of affairs amid an unstoppable migrant crime wave. “[You] are abandoning us to a superior force,” says the desperate note addressed to Interior Minister of Thuringa.
Time and again representatives of the police union have pointed out the dramatic consequences to the politicians and higher authorities, the letter further says, (Quote) “But what changes? Nothing. One instead gets a sense of disinterest.”  [Author's translation]

German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently suggested the banning in Germany of the full-face veil. The idea that a Western country such as Germany might have a right to make such laws, and to do so with motives other than racism, has certainly not been universally accepted. For example, a few days later this editorial about Merkel's statement appeared in BloombergView:
Now, elections are coming up in Germany, and Merkel rightly wants to deny support to the far-right AfD party, whose anti-immigrant thinking is driven not by prudence but by outright racism. In response, Merkel’s newly hardened position is both weak on the merits and plain bad tactics.

What could only be described as a political sleight-of-hand, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is suddenly running as a conservative ahead of next year’s general election. Merkel who opened the floodgates of Europe to millions of Arab and Muslim migrants by scrapping the border controls (Dublin Protocol), is now talking tough on mass-migration and calling for a ban on the regressive Islamic garb, Burqa. “The full-face veil is not acceptable in our country,” Merkel said on Tuesday while addressing her party’s convention held in the city of Essen. “It should be banned, wherever it is legally possible.”

A raid conducted by authorities in Ghana shut down a fake U. S. embassy that was set up and run by a crime ring who issued legitimate visas and other documents to anyone who could pay for them. It is not yet known where they got the genuine U. S. passports, birth certificates, visas, and other documents.  Such documents for other countries were also found at the site. It is also not known how many of these documents were used to illegally enter the U. S. over the past ten years.

There is a mad rush among progressive academics to institute "sanctuary campus" polices which will harbor illegal immigrants much in the same way as sanctuary cities. It's largely due to Trump's stunning election victory and the left is trying to make it happen before the President Elect is sworn in. Meanwhile, opponents of this policy are working on possible consequences for these actions. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is one of those people.