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Immigration Tag

The latest furor is over certain remarks that Trump is alleged to have uttered during a meeting about immigration with Dick Durbin, Lindsay Graham, and "other government officials." His alleged remarks (some of which he has disputed) were criticized variously for both form and content: that the words were vulgar, and that they were bigoted. The most salient thing on which accounts seem to agree is that Trump referred to some countries—perhaps in Africa, perhaps also Haiti—as "shitholes" or "shithole countries." Let's go with that, anyway, as a good possibility.

Unregulated migration may be responsible for the rise in violent crimes in Germany, a study commissioned by the German government claims. The researchers used the state of Lower Saxony to examine the correlation between the refugee arrivals and violent crimes between 2014 and 2016, a period during which such crimes surged by 10.4 percent. More than 90 percent of these additional crimes were attributed to the newly arrived refugees.

The Department of Justice has unsealed an arrest warrant for Jose Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant just acquitted of killing Kate Steinle in California. This arrest warrant is in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas for a supervised release violation.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was acquitted by a San Francisco jury Thursday night. Garcia Zarate, an illegal immigrant who had been deported numerous times and had a rap sheet a mile long (including multiple felony convictions), was accused of fatally shooting Kate Steinle while she was walking along the pier with her father and a friend.

One of the key reasons President Trump won last November was his stance on illegal immigration.  Between the wall and his promise to provide relief to ICE agents whose hands were tied by the Obama administration, the president won a first: an endorsement for a candidate in a presidential election from the ICE agents' union. ICE, like (too) many executive agencies, has been polluted by Obama appointees and loyalists, so the ICE agents in the field are not getting the support they need to meet the president's illegal immigration goals.  Indeed, ICE managers are reportedly making questionable calls like ordering ICE agents not to wear bullet-proof vests because doing so "might offend" illegal aliens. A contingent of ICE agents frustrated by their management have launched the website JIC Report in the hopes of getting the Commander in Chief's attention and letting him know that they are being hobbled by Obama holdovers who flout the president's illegal immigration agenda at every turn.

"It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state," Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman warned decade ago. Germany, on the brink of Angela Merkel's fourth term as country's Chancellor, is discovering the painful truth behind these words.

James Carville famously salvaged Bill Clinton's political career by focusing on economic problems people were facing during the 1992 campaign. The term "it's the economy, stupid," attributed to Carville as Clinton's campaign strategist, became the mantra for a generation of Democrat politicians and political strategists:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel promoted the architect of her open borders policy to her new chief foreign policy adviser. Merkel’s hand-picked Jan Hecker, widely regarded as the man enforcing Germany’s ill-advised refugee policy, has no foreign policy experience. Mainstream media that nitpicked President Trump on every single appointment, is apparently giving a pass to their favorite world leader on this one.