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San Diego County Poised to Join “Sanctuary State” Lawsuit

San Diego County Poised to Join “Sanctuary State” Lawsuit

The City of Escondido also contemplates joining the #Counter-resistance.

I recently reported that Orange County, California, was planning to join over a dozen red and purple states in the lawsuit against California’s “Sanctuary State” lawsuit.
It appears that another county is planning to join the #Counter-resistance…my own.

The justice department recently sued the Golden State over its so called “sanctuary state” law and on Tuesday Orange County Supervisors voted to side with the federal government.

Now, San Diego County Supervisors will consider doing the same as Orange County.

The County of San Diego has signaled it will consider whether to join the legal fray over the state’s law protecting undocumented immigrants – restricting when and how local law enforcement can cooperate with federal immigration officers.

The chair of the county board of supervisors, Kristin Gaspar, requested County Council add that lawsuit as well as California’s new lawsuit against the federal government for adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors discusses the matter in closed session on April 17. Additionally, the Escondido’s City Council, which is in the northern portion of San Diego county, will also be deciding soon whether to join the backlash. Officials in both bodies anticipate they will eventually be participating in the lawsuit.

Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Councilman John Masson have put an item on the Sunday agenda that would authorize the city’s filing of a legal brief in support of the federal government’s lawsuit challenging three state laws enacted last year.

“I expect it to pass,” Abed said Wednesday.

“I’ve always supported the great working relationship between the Sheriff’s Department and federal law enforcement agencies, and it needs to continue,” said [San Diego County] Supervisor Dianne Jacob, adding that she intends to support the county joining the lawsuit.

I was on Canto Talk this week, during which I gave host Silvio Canto a run down on the mounting #Counter-resistance to Sacaramento’s illegal-immigrant friendly policies. I think it was the first time he was actually hopeful about the Golden State’s future!

I will officially file this story under “Easter Miracle”.


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4th armored div | March 30, 2018 at 9:24 am

You can call it the Passover Emancipation Proclamation from slavery to trust in the ALMIGHTY.

there is a story in the Mishna that over 70% of the Hebrews refused to leave with Moses. a beaten people have a very hard time leaving a society that provided for them.

see modern day Social Programs which do not require working etc.

Maybe it’s the cynic in me, but one has to wonder if this is being driven by principle or by fear of the loss of Federal funds…

    rabidfox in reply to Rusty Bill. | March 30, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    Both probably are considerations but consider this: How much of the LOCAL budget is being sucked up by the aliens? These cities may not be able to afford illegals!

Why do they bother with a law suit? They aren’t obeying the law to start with!

G. de La Hoya | March 30, 2018 at 10:12 am

I wonder if Cali residents will need to follow Cali laws then. 🙂

I’m waiting for this shrew to legally change her name to “Harridan E.(mbittered, or, Entitled) Scold.”

Sorry; my comment was intended for the Hillary post. Misdirection after account log-in. 🙁

Personally I think illegal immigration is just cheap slaves. Maybe we should be treating it as such. “Lets Free the Slaves and return them home!”