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Ilhan Omar Tag

New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger (D) engaged in a series of tweets about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and the non-existence of Palestine last week. They generated such an uproar from The Usual Suspects that he has been tossed off an immigration committee at the insistence of Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio and influential anti-Semitic figure Linda Sarsour.

There were news reports recently that during Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming trip to D.C., during which he will meet with Trump, the United States would recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The Heights had only been Syrian territory since 1948, after the end of the French Mandate, Syrian independence, and the Arab attempt to destroy Israel.  Syria used the Golan Heights to aim artillery and sniper fire on Israel. Israel captured the Golan Heights during the 1967 war, and almost lost it during the surprise attack in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

CNN's Jim Acosta is nothing if not predictable. In the middle of the Democratic party infighting caused by the anti-Semitic rhetoric we've heard from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in recent weeks, Acosta saw fit not to question the comments themselves, but instead President Trump's grim assessment of the Democratic party's relationship with the Jewish community.

The repeated antisemitic comments from Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, while condemnable, are all too familiar to those of us who have closely followed the anti-Israel movement. Charges of dual loyalty or disloyalty lodged against Jews predate the creation of the State of Israel by many centuries. Those charges are a core accusation of the oldest hate.

On Friday, Mary wrote about Rep. Ilhan Omar's Obama-bashing interview with Politico. In this interview, Omar told Politico's Tim Alberta that, among other things, Obama's hope and change was a "mirage" and that he got away with the "caging of kids" and with "murder" because he was "polished." Upon publication of the piece and the Democrat horror that she had attacked Obama, whom 49% of Democrats think was the best president since WWII, Omar went on the offensive.

It looks like the Senate may introduce its own resolution to condemn anti-Semitism as the House of Representatives drafts its own resolution in response to the latest anti-Semitic remarks from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). The Washington Examiner reported that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell found the rise in anti-Semitism "disturbing" and has concerns about it.

The Democrat Party is trying to come to grips with the antisemitic agitation by Minnesota Rep. Ihlan Omar, backed by Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that Americans who support Israel do so for money and have pledged allegiance to Israel. These dual-loyalty and disloyalty accusations are echoed by left-wing and Islamist Democrat activists.

Remember the outcry over Rolling Stone magazine's appalling July 2013 cover feature on Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? Apparently it didn't faze them, because they're out with another cover and feature story series that glamorizes two freshmen Congresswomen whose actions and/or associations with powerful anti-Semitic figures should be concerning to everyone.