Hurricane Harvey | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Hurricane Harvey Tag

Congress has returned to work and have started to ponder two important tasks at hand: Hurricane Harvey relief bill and the debt ceiling. One option leaders have leaned towards is attaching the two into one bill, thus killing two birds with one stone. The House could pass the Harvey relief bill on Wednesday and send it to the Senate, who could attach the debt ceiling bill to it. Then the Senate would send it back to the House for another vote.

Though Israel is a small country, when disaster strikes it is among the first countries and most involved in rescue and recovery efforts. (I blogged about this nearly four years ago. The IDF published an updated article on Israel's aid in emergency situations last month.) While Israeli volunteers often go to places Nepal, Haiti, or the Philippines, Israel was again at the forefront of international rescue and recovery efforts in Houston.

The Houston area is filled with heavy industry, including numerous chemical manufacturing and processing plants. In the wake of flooding from the rains of Hurricane Harvey, one of the plants in Crosby (about 25 miles from the city) burned when trailers holding highly unstable chemicals used in the production of plastics and paint exploded, burning the flood-damaged plant. While initial fire was quenched, the containers are continuing to rupture and ignite, and responders have had to fight a series of release incidents at this facility.

And here we thought that saving lives and rebuilding a devastated area should be the focus . . . Proving that when you wield an anti-racism hammer, everything looks like a nail, a guest on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this morning declared that "race and class . . are the most significant aspects of this particular hurricane." The guest in question, Charles D. Ellison, is the Washington correspondent of The Philadelphia Tribune, and hosts a show on WURD, an African-American owned radio station in Philly.

Despite predictions of economic doom and gloom in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential election win, things are actually looking quite sunny. A revised estimate showed gross domestic product had climbed at an annualized rate of 3 per cent, showing more growth than the professionals projected. Part of the reason for this new trajectory is President Trump's war on excessive regulation. For instance, in response to the impact of Hurricane Harvey on the region's fuel industry, Environmental Protection Agency is temporarily suspending some rules about gasoline production in an effort to minimize shortages around the southeast.
States from Maryland to Texas can sell winter-grade gasoline held in storage now, even though normally that type of fuel wouldn’t become available until fall, according to a federal waiver issued Wednesday. Refineries that continue to operate can also start churning out winter-grade gasoline, which emits more pollution than summer-grade gasoline when combusted in engines.

It is scary how quickly media eco-activists have unleashed torrents of climate change pseudo-science on the American public since Hurricane Harvey hit. There are many articles now making the rounds on social media asserting that this deadly storm proves "climate change is real". Perhaps the most dramatic comes from the Godfather of Climate Change, Dr. Michael Mann, who penned the following analysis -- It's a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly:
Harvey was almost certainly more intense than it would have been in the absence of human-caused warming, which means stronger winds, more wind damage and a larger storm surge.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump boarded Air Force One this morning (yes, I covered the left losing its mind over her freaking shoes) to survey the damage and speak to Texas officials about recovery. From Fox News:
“We want to do it better than ever before,” Trump said of the recovery. “We want to be looked at in five years or ten years from now as this is the way to do it.”

Just as the MSM demands more "gun control" after every mass shooting, so every severe weather event causes the MSM to start beating the "climate change" drum. And so it began on CNN this morning. CNN's Senior Political Analyst Ron Brownstein gave the standard disclaimer about not attributing any one storm to climate change, but then proceeded to come very close to doing just that. He quoted a former NOAA offical: "this is a preview of the future. There is no doubt that climate change makes . . . storms like this more common."

By some miracle (and I truly believe that's what it is), we're still high and dry and abundantly thankful to be so. My husband and I are heartbroken for our home town and frustrated that there is nothing we can do to help those in need right now. While areas that typically flood have done so, Harvey has flooded neighborhoods that have never flooded, meaning their residents are likely without flood insurance. My in-laws who've lived in their house for more than 40 years with no issue watched their house flood. And at least a dozen other individuals we know personally have a similar story.

Blogging from Houston where we've received 25 inches of rain these last 48 hours. Meteorologists are predicting we'll receive another 15-25 inches in the next three days, and that's before Harvey meanders back into the gulf, swings back around and hits us once more as a parting gift. My brother-in-law's family is still waiting to see if they have a home to return to in Rockport, my in-law's were flooded out of their home, and for the first time in my entire life, I'm sitting here, like millions of others, contemplating the very real possibility that we could lose everything before this storm is through. Thousands already have.

Sitting here, blogging from my home breaks in Houston, which is currently on the dirty side of Hurricane Harvey. My brother-in-law's family evacuated from the coast yesterday to dryer ground inland. As these things go, no one is entirely sure what to expect, but wisdom always suggests we prepare for the worst.