House of Representatives | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 21
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House of Representatives Tag

Many Democrats are rightly concerned that if Bernie Sanders gets their party's nomination, they could lose to President Trump. The worry doesn't end there, however. There is a growing fear that a Bernie candidacy could also cost them the House of Representatives.

Democrats, who now control the House of Representatives, are using their committee powers to wage an all out war on Donald Trump regarding his personal finances, including businesses. This use of government power to go after all things Trump is not new. Various state Attorney Generals, particularly Tish James in New York, have signaled a desire and intent to subject Trump's personal and business finances to extreme scrutiny looking for a crime.

No one presents a greater threat to Democrats than members of identity groups who reject identity politics and embrace individual liberty and conservatism. Conservative women, gays, and black people are treated with open animosity by the left.

According to conventional wisdom, Democrats are going to win the House of Representatives next week. Historically, the party that controls the White House loses control of Congress in the midterms. But these are not conventional times and anything could happen.

President Donald Trump presented his agenda in front of Congress on Tuesday night. For the first time since he announced his candidacy, Trump sounded presidential and smooth. Kemberlee reported he will speak about these topics:
  • Tax and regulatory reform
  • Making the workplace better for working parents
  • Obamacare reform
  • Education
  • Rebuilding the military
  • Taking care of veterans

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes announced there is no evidence of communication between President Donald Trump's team and Russian officials:
“There is no evidence that I’ve been presented [by the intelligence community] of regular contact with anybody in the Trump campaign,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters. “The way it sounds like to me is, it’s been looked into and there’s no evidence of anything there.”