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Hoaxes Tag

The media seems intent on proving over and over again that they cannot be trusted.  Having botched their sky-is-falling Russia, Ukraine, and the infamous "two scoops" scandal, they are now all-in proclaiming—completely incorrectly—that President Trump called the coronavirus a hoax. He did not.  In fact, their response to what Trump actually said demonstrates perfectly the point he was making.

A middle school student at Immanuel Christian School in Virginia recently claimed white boys at the school held her down and cut her hair. The media wasted no time trying to pin this controversy to Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, because she works there as a part-time art teacher. Now we know it was a hoax.

The ABC-I team in Chicago continues its great work investigating Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx after her office dropped 16 felony charges against actor Jussie Smollett. Foxx recused herself from the case after she talked with Smollett's family before the charges, but new texts show that she still communicated with her team, found the charges excessive, and called Smollett a "washed up actor."

Independent journalist and Quillette editor Andy Ngo, whose work you may recall from Mary's post in which she shares Ngo's documentation of hate crime hoaxes perpetrated by the left, has published an article about "the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland." The article provides a detailed and seemingly well-documented review of the shocking rise in alleged hate crimes in Portland, Oregon.  Ngo notes some troubling issues like the fact that few of these hate crimes can be found in police reports and that there is some sort of vigilante LGBT group forming online to combat the supposed anti-LGBT hate crime spree.

In the aftermath of the national outrage over the charges against "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett being dropped, President Trump on Thursday called for a federal investigation into the case. The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) took issue with Trump's call, and Chairwoman Karen Bass (D-CA) blasted him in a statement: