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Harry Reid Tag

A FoxNews/Pulse Research poll of likely voters in Nevada holds some hope for Sharron Angle:Republican Sharron Angle seems to be solidifying her support in her bid to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada.In the latest Fox News battleground state poll of likely voters, Angle...

Harry Reid's comment that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was the "hottest" in the Senate has generated reaction ranging from "there he goes again" to "sexist!"When I posted first thing this morning about it, I guess I fell into the "there he goes again" crowd (Someone Tell...

Via The Politico, Reid calls Gillibrand the 'hottest' member at fundraiser:Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had an unusual form of praise for New York's junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, this morning at the fundraiser Mayor Bloomberg hosted for him at his townhouse - referring to her...

Fox News has released a set of polls of likely voters, including in the Nevada Senate race, showing Sharron Angle up a point, 45-44.  This is consistent with several recent polls showing the race a dead heat:Angle drew 45 percent support, while Reid took in 44...

I saw this coming.A couple of weeks after her Nevada Senate primary victory, Sharron Angle appeared on journalist John Ralston's television show.  Ralston apparently is one of the most prominent political reporters in Nevada.At the time, this was my first introduction to Ralston.  Here was how I observed...

Yes!  Finally an ad from Sharron Angle hoisting Harry Reid's "extremist" campaign by its own petard.The Vaporizer must be "extremely" upset.[youtube=](h/t @MattKLewis)Update: Nevada Journalists Defend Angle Against Unfair Attack--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Harry Reid Campaign Stuck On CrazyWhy Is Harry Reid's Campaign Spokesman Following Me? Follow me on Twitter,...

Nevada journalist and talk show host John Ralston is trolling for Harry Reid.  Ralston published an article in The Las Vegas Sun on Sunday titled Angle in 2005: I would have voted “no” on Katrina relief funds.The article is based on a tape given to Ralston...

There he goes again.  Greg Sargent -- in a post at The Washington Post picked up and spread wide in the blogosphere and by Harry Reid's campaign -- claims that Sharron Angle twice refuses to disavow claim that there are "domestic enemies" in Congress.The background...

The latest Mason-Dixon Poll released by the Las Vegas Review-Journal shows Reid up 1 point, 45-44.The headlines are screaming that 68% of voters would have preferred another GOP candidate, but that seems like a meaningless number since the choice is between Reid and Angle, and on...

Soon after the Nevada Republican Senate primary, in which Sharron Angle was a surprise winner, Harry Reid announced that he would not be available to debate Angle for several months because he was too busy.  Here is a report from a local news station from...

In a story today at Politico, Harry Reid's strategy: Winning ugly, Reid makes one of his favorite points in responding to Sharron Angle's assertions that Reid bears at least some responsibility for the economic decline in Nevada:Reid contends that if Angle attacks him on the...

At Reid campaign headquarters, the dozens of mudslinging campaign staffers must feel like the walls are closing in on them.A new Rasmussen poll shows Sharron Angle leading by 2 points if "leaners" are included, and tied without leaners.Reid stuck his foot in his base's mouth...

Rasmussen (h/t HotAir) now shows Sharron Angle tied with Harry Reid:The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state shows Democratic Senator Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle tied with 47% of the vote each. Five percent (5%) prefer some...

Ed Driscoll (h/t Instapundit) has put together a list of Harry Reid's Top 10 most disastrous quotes.While a Top 10 list is hard for Reid, I might have included the following:Reid comparing opponents of Obamacare to those who opposed abolition of slavery.Reid calling for an...

The New York Times has a pretty fair article by Adam Nagourney about Sharron Angle, after a pretty fair interview.Sure, I could nitpick some of the characterizations in the article, but it really was pretty fair. None of the John Ralston Geraldo-like grandstanding, or usual...

Looks like Republican opposition researchers finally are getting their act together in countering the Reid campaign machine, as they unearthed video of Harry Reid forcefully arguing against birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens in 1993.I posted extensively on Reid's non-apology apology the other day.[youtube=]Update:...

Will they now start calling Harry Reid an "extremist"?Greg Sargent, who never met a Sharron Angle rumor he couldn't spread: "Reid basically threw the whole Dem caucus under the bus." [Insert All-Purpose Democratic Party Quote here]Steve Benen, who never lets "extremist" get separated in a...