I don’t have as much time as I’d like right now to get into this, but I knew something was in the works when I had a Twitter spat with Nevada Journalist Jon Ralston over his link to a Slate article accusing Sharron Angle of using racist imagery similar to that used by Jesse Helms decades ago.
Now I see at Memeorandum that the left blogosphere is in full fledged accusation mode — led of course by Think Progress and Greg Sargent’s sidekick at WaPo — accusing Angle of using “racially-tinged” images in television advertisements.
I’ll have more later, but this is a good sign that the Democrats and their media helpers are so desperate in light of recent polling showing Angle in the lead, that they have to add a pathetic charge of racism to their “extremist” rhetoric.
Entirely predictable.
Related Posts:
Nevada Trending Towards Sharron Angle
Greg Sargent Demands Context (for Rick Sanchez)
John Ralston: Me! Me Me! Me Me Me!
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If this is their 'October Surprise', it sure is weak.
News Flash Libs: "Mexican" is not a race.
1. Now I see at Memeorandum that the left blogosphere is in full fledged accusation mode — led of course by Think Progress and Greg Sargent's sidekick at WaPo — accusing Angle of using "racially-tinged" images in television advertisements.
This very thought flickered through my mind while I was reading the paragraph that preceded it. Obviously this is an insightful and sagacious blog! 😉
2. The nominee of a possibly counterfeit Tea Party taped Angle during a meeting that was supposedly prearranged to be confidential. Another sign of Reid desperation?
3. Without having followed this race, I speculate that if Angle does well in next week's debate, she'll acquire so much momentum and money that she'll win decisively.
Well, the ad isn't exactly brilliant, now is it? And, I say that as the person whose series of tweets might have gotten her to include that in the ad. When Reid intro'd his amdt, all she did at first is complain about procedural matters. Then, she complained about amnesty. However, she refused to point out that what Reid supports would let illegal aliens take college from citizens.
Compare her ad to a vid I made 3.5 years ago. It's out of date, but it doesn't have any scary pictures in it: peekURL.com/vilsq2i
If she'd run her ad by, say, NumbersUSA (or me) first, she would have avoided the scary pictures and instead done something more wonky and ultimately effective.
See the posts at the following link for how to discuss this issue and work against those who mislead about what Reid supports:
"Well, the ad isn't exactly brilliant, now is it?"
Good God, what a maroon. So, if an ad is not "brilliant" it's bad? It's a solid ad, actually. And tell me where Reids brilliant ads are? His ads are incoherent at best. If you want 'brilliant' go to the Louvre.
"And, I say that as the person whose series of tweets might have gotten her to include that in the ad."
My, aren't we full of ego! Don't kid yourself.
"When Reid intro'd his amdt, all she did at first is complain about procedural matters."
So? Why wouldn't Sharron point out the procedural problems during the *introductory* and *procedural* part of the bill process? If you can point out the bills procedural flaws you might be able to kill it before it grows.
"Then, she complained about amnesty. However, she refused to point out that what Reid supports would let illegal aliens take college from citizens."
Refused? How do you know that? Are you a mind reader? Just because she didn't mention it at the time (and it's idiotic to expect a candidate to mention every single bad thing about amnesty when there is so much bad) does not mean she was somehow "refusing" to do so. Campaign are dynamic things, focus and tactics have to be fluid and change. She's mentioned it now, so whats your beef? You're making an issue out of nothing. Who cares what aspects she criticized first?
"Compare her ad to a vid I made 3.5 years ago. It's out of date, but it doesn't have any scary pictures in it: peekURL.com/vilsq2i."
First off, your ad is not 'brilliant'. Second, that kind of ad is not necessarily effective during a heated campaign. You're comparing apples and oranges. Third, the pictures in Sharrons ad are hardly "scary." It just shows Mexicans with flashlights sneaking into the border, which you know, is what happens EVERY DAY. They are not even carrying guns or even acting aggressively toward anybody. The ad doesn't even accuse the illegals of being violent or killing anyone. Of course, if the ad had focused on illegals committing violence instead of the job taking aspect, the lefties would have been REALLY screaming.
"If she'd run her ad by, say, NumbersUSA (or me) first, she would have avoided the scary pictures and instead done something more wonky and ultimately effective."
Again, you sure think highly of your own opinion. How is making something more "wonky" making it more effective? How do you know the ad isn't effective? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the majority won't either. Trust me, many viewers aren't saying, "gee, that ad just isn't wonky enough for me!"
Personally, I find the personal touch the images bring out compelling. Reid isn't on the side of the legal Americans who are here working hard at their jobs (by the way, one of the legal workers in the add certainly looks Hispanic) he's on the side of the lawbreakers who we see sneakily and callously breaking our laws. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Has PETA or anyone else accused Harry Reid of cruelty to animals for calling Chris Coons (D-De) his "pet"?
Oh, the humanity!
I can just picture Coons with a dog collar and Reid with a riding crop. Oh wait, I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Aside from a landslide victory in the House and a Republican majority in the Senate my hope for 2010 is that it marks the end of the "race card" once and for all and the year when minorities revolt, realize what liberalism has done to them, their families,their futures, their dignity and finally join the conservative movement.
So, "FZ" is attacking me for suggesting how Angle could have made a better ad, and for suggesting that she should have made the better ad when the iron was hot, and basically attacking me for trying to help Angle?
I only read the first part of "FZ"'s incoherent rant, and I'm going to guess it gets even worse. In any case, what "FZ" is doing isn't too very smart, now is it? Wouldn't it be much smarter of "FZ" to help me?
Really think that through: is what "FZ" is doing smart or not?
With our host's acquiescence, I'd like to correct the first part of my previous comment:
1. I'll have more later, but this is a good sign that the Democrats and their media helpers are so desperate in light of recent polling showing Angle in the lead, that they have to add a pathetic charge of racism to their "extremist" rhetoric.
This very thought flickered through my mind while I was reading the paragraph that preceded it. Obviously this is an insightful and sagacious blog! 😉
Unfortunately my mind continued to flicker while I wrote the original comment.