University of Michigan Hosts a ‘Lesbian-Feminist Haunted House’
“Don’t trip over the severed penises”...
“Don’t trip over the severed penises”...
I never thought I'd ever have to search "Biden bites babies."...
Mayer said this year, he is going as “an uber-woke, overly anxious, perpetually offended, 20-something."...
Making your holiday a little creepier....
"the community’s health professionals still deemed it too dangerous to host"...
“My culture is not a costume… It’s more! Its my culture, my heritage, my identity, my religion”...
The CDC said someone posted old guidelines. But those who saw the webpage before deletion mentioned the CDC included guidelines for fully vaccinated people....
"They received misconduct write-ups, which consist of simply a warning in their record but no discipline."...
“Some people think that these are all in the past, but there are things that still continue to happen”...
"Of all of the College’s buildings, the Sir Christopher Wren Building is perhaps most consistently cited as haunted — which makes sense given its age and history."...
Halloween is undoubtedly one of the most memorable holidays on the American calendar.Few rituals are as cherished by parents as dressing up the kids in costumes and guiding them through the neighborhood for tricks-or-treats. Then there are the post-Halloween candy bowl raids to be enjoyed.
"Well I'll show you. When I'm gone, I'll tell you. I'll show you."...
"results come as universities across the nation warn students to be careful what they wear on Halloween"...
Students warned to avoid “cultural appropriation”...
On Halloween night, Nathan Brown and his roommates made an impromptu "social experiment" at their house in Serra Mesa. They set up a table with three boxes of full-size candy bars for trick-or-treaters to come and take. They also wrote a note to the trick-or-treaters, "Help yourself, but please be considerate." "We thought we`ll leave some candy out...of course people are going to help themselves to a lot, but it'll be fun to see who takes what," Brown said. Brown and his roommates left home for about an hour. They returned to empty boxes. So, they checked the security video to see which kids took the most.
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