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Free Speech Tag

Via Facebook (h/t iambasic in Tip Line): Now, sympathizers of convicted domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin are harassing me, tearing me apart—and coming after my family. In the past two weeks, hackers have tried accessing my email accounts, they’ve placed a fake SWAT call on a colleague, and just...

as Harvard Law School Is Bogus. The first blog post is Harvard Law School’s Bogus Journey Into Blog Blacklisting: We are a small group of dissenting Harvard Law School students whose “Harvard Law Unbound” blog, focused on protesting corruption and conflict of interest at the Law School,...

While the conservative blogosphere is focused on Brett Kimberlin, there is another instance of possible "lawfare" which deserves attention. Roughly three weeks ago a lawsuit alleging defamation against a conservative blogger was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia. The claim was brought by Georgia...

But then again, not too few to mention. Dave Serchuk in Forbes, Congratulations! You Just Made Rush Limbaugh Sympathetic! (emphasis mine): Imagine this scenario: you are a lifelong liberal. You pretty much hate everything Rush Limbaugh stands for, and says. You are really glad that the times have...

From University of Rochester (NY) Professor Stephen E. Landsburg, a blisteringly refreshing view of Sandra Fluke, Rush to Judgment (via Althouse h/t Instapundit): But while Ms. Fluke herself deserves the same basic respect we owe to any human being, her position — which is what’s at issue here...

A common protest chant of the Occupy Wall Street crew and other radicals is "This is what democracy looks like!" - a trite, rhythmic expression of self-congratulation layered over an implication that they represent the true will of the people. Yes, these protests are examples of...

Sent to me by a reader as a potential "Video of the Day" candidate, but deserves its own post. As a youthful Zappa fan, I enjoyed this very much. The "I'm a conservative" statement comes at 3:15. I didn't realize until I graduated high school that...

If the government ran Hollywood, it would look like the BBC:The BBC Trust, which scrutinises the corporation’s output on behalf of the licence fee payer, said daytime television on the BBC had become too dominated by shows about "collectables hunting and property"...

I previously posted about Jamie Gorelick's hiring as a lobbyist for Sallie Mae, the student loan agency. After the debacles she created by raising the wall between law enforcement and the intelligence services, and at Fannie Mae, I thought she was doing quite well for...

At first, I thought this was a hoax, so I held off posting. But apparently it is for real, University of Ottawa's letter to Ann Coulter. I am reprinting it in full, because it is a paradigm of intolerance of opposing conservative viewpoints under...

Ronald Reagan's words on the foundation of freedom, so timely now as we are on the verge of the subservience of the individual to the state on the most fundamental aspects of our lives:"Rejection of the arbitrary power of the state. The refusal to subordinate...

In order to justify China's crackdown on free speech on the internet, including banning YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, a Chinese communist newspaper posed this question:The People's Daily editorial asked rhetorically if obscene information or activities promoting terrorism would be allowed on the internet in the...

Barack Obama reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down parts of McCain-Feingold campaign contribution restrictions:With its ruling today, the Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory...

I've posted about Alan Grayson before. The Congressman from Florida is the class clown of Congress (that's including Al Franken in the equation). Grayson not only is nuts, he has dangerous tendencies. As reported at Politico, Grayson is trying to get the Justice Department to prosecute...

Anita MonCrief is an ACORN whistleblower who is facing substantial legal fees to defend lawsuits brought against her by ACORN and its affiliates. A new website has been established to support her, the Anita MonCrief Defense Fund.While you're at it, visit Defend Hannah Giles, the...

The pressure put on advertisers to pull ads from the Glenn Beck show on Fox News has caused about a dozen major corporations to instruct their ad agencies to make sure their ads did not run on the show.These advertisers never directed their advertising to...

The White House appears to have taken down the [email protected] e-mail address used to have people report fishy comments by other people about health care. But, the bounce-back when you send an e-mail provides an alternative address, to the White House "reality check" web page:At...