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Free Speech Tag

The College Republicans at UC Davis invited Milo Yiannopoulos and Martin Shkreli to give a talk on campus which was to focus largely on free speech but the event had to be cancelled because leftists protested and authorities feared violence. This is a perfect example of the 'New Civics' we profiled in a recent post. ABC News in San Francisco reports:

Democrats are going after Trump's pick for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos because she made financial contributions to FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. FIRE is an outstanding non-partisan organization which defends free speech and due process, among other things, for college students and faculty. Democrats have picked the wrong target. In the words of Professor Jacobson, "That they would try to defame such a great organization to get at her is a sign of how pathetic and dangerous they are."

Oleg Atbashian is the creator of the satirical political website The People's Cube, which eventually spawned the satirical political website iOwnTheWorld. Atbashian was born in the former Soviet Union and knows the evils of censorship and unchecked government power all too well. As we mentioned in a recent post, he was arrested earlier this month for placing anti-terrorism posters on the campus of George Mason University. Now he's telling the full story:
Why I was arrested & thrown in jail by @GeorgeMasonU police As you may have heard, on November 4th I was arrested, handcuffed, and taken to jail for posting anti-terror stickers on George Mason University campus. I was charged with "class 6 felony for destruction of property," threatened with five years in prison, and released 14 hours later on $8,000 bail posted by my wife. The court date is now set for February 14th, 2017.

New York University Professor Michael Rectenwald was suspended two weeks ago for a Twitter account he ran which repudiated political correctness. Legal Insurrection readers know that's a form of heresy on college campuses today. He has now been reinstated and with a raise in pay. FOX News reports:
NYU brings back professor who blasted PC culture, gives him a raise Liberal studies professor Michael Rectenwald, the man behind the controversial @DeplorableNYUProf account, has been promoted by prestigious New York University and given a raise days after the university had put him on a paid leave for criticizing politically correct culture on campus.

Providence College is a Catholic school and for many years had a reputation for being a conservative institution. All that has changed under onslaught from Social Justice Warriors. When Literature professor Anthony Esolen recently wrote some op-eds questioning the way racial segmentation through diversity initiatives were implemented, and how it was undermining the unity of the church, he became the object of the progressive left's two minutes of hate. This is a free speech issue to be sure, but it's about other things as well. Leftists on college campuses know they have power and they're always pushing to see how far they can go with it. Campus Reform reports:
PC faculty try to get conservative colleague fired for opinions Students and faculty at a Catholic college are up in arms over a professor suggesting that Catholic unity is more important than cultural diversity. In a September op-ed for Crisis Magazine, a Catholic publication, Literature professor Anthony Esolen argues that society’s increasing focus on the secular culture of ethnicity undermines unity within the Church.