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Liberal pundit Bob Beckel will reunite with Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, and Dana Perino on Fox's The Five starting today. Fox released a press statement announcing his return:
In making the announcement, Murdoch said, “Bob was missed by many fans of The Five and we’re happy to welcome him back to the show.” Beckel commented, “I’m thrilled for the opportunity to go home again and join my television family around the table of The Five. I have no doubt it will be a vigorous yet entertaining debate.”

NFL analyst and former Washington Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann tore into the San Francisco 49ers after the team gave quarterback Colin Kaepernick the Len Eshmont Award. The team chooses the player "49er who best exemplifies the inspirational and courageous play of Len Eshmont, an original member of the 1946 49ers team." This 49ers team did not perform well at all:
“This award doesn’t mean anything to me,” said Theismann, who led the Washington Redskins to two Super Bowl appearances, winning one, in the 1980s. “Inspired and courageous? You’re 2-14. What did he inspire? You’re [1-10] as a quarterback [this season]. What [did] you possibly inspire?”
But it goes deeper than that since Kaepernick started a trend of kneeling during the national anthem.

Tucker Carlson had a strong showing in our Reader Poll of who should replace Megyn Kelly at Fox News, now that she is moving to NBC. His performance replacing Greta at the 7 p.m. slot made him a hit among conservatives. We covered many of his take-downs, the most epic of which Kurt Eichenwald.

Earlier today, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly announced she'd be parting ways with the cable news network and heading over to NBC News. Kelly's departure will leave a gaping hole in Fox's prime-time lineup. We’re just speculating here but we’ve picked potential replacements from the Fox News stable of the well-known faces, including news types and ideologues, and one total outsider, Jake Tapper. So, dear reader, we want to hear from you. Who do you think should replace Megyn Kelly?

NBC News has released a statement confirming that Fox News superstar Megyn Kelly will join its news organization:
Kelly will become anchor of a new one hour daytime program that she will develop closely with NBC News colleagues. The show will air Monday through Friday at a time to be announced in the coming months. As part of the multi-year agreement, Kelly will also anchor a new Sunday evening news magazine show and will become an important contributor to NBC’s breaking news coverage as well as the network’s political and special events coverage.

Regular Legal Insurrection readers will recognize the name Kurt Eichenwald. A senior writer at Newsweek [which apparently still exists], Eichenwald is a frequent guest on Joy Reid's MSNBC show, where he can be counted on to spout virulently anti-Republican/Trump views. We've chronicled, as here and here, his predilection to burst into disdainful laughter in the face of conservative interlocutors. On MSNBC, Eichenwald's odd nature had been sheltered in a comfortable cocoon. But on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show of Thursday evening, Eichenwald's deep weirdness was exposed. The meltdown came when Carlson pressed Eichenwald to answer a simple question: is it true, as Eichenwald had tweeted, that Donald Trump had been confined to a mental institution in 1990? Rather than answer the question, Eichenwald went off on a variety of tangents, including the stunt of hauling out a big binder he had created of Carlson's supposed "falsehoods."

I'm a big fan of Special Report with Bret Baier on FOX News. Baier is one of the best straight news guys on the network, if not on all of television and he's very good at keeping himself out of the story. This week Baier was on Late Night with Seth Meyers and it was fascinating to see him on the other side of an interview. He spent most of the time talking about news coverage of the election and Trump, naturally. Mediaite covered the segment:
Fox’s Bret Baier Tells Seth Meyers It’s a ‘Challenge’ When Trump Takes the Media ‘On a Ride’ Baier did a pretty good Trump impersonation when describing the times the then-candidate would confront him about the content of his show.

If this is the best that the Hillary/Stein camp can muster to justify a recount, Donald Trump can rest very easy tonight . . . On Tucker Carlson's new Fox News show this evening, guest host Ed Henry interviewed Ian Jackson of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party regarding a possible recount of the presidential vote in Wisconsin. Green Party candidate Jill Stein campaign has in recent days raised millions of dollars to fund such an effort. The responses from Jackson—who seemed a nice guy in over his head—were a string of painful pauses and hesitations, concluding with an admission that the Stein campaign would have to consider refunding money to donors.

Greta Van Susteren sent a shock wave through the political media world in September when she abruptly left FOX News. Since then, the 7 PM slot which bridges the gap between Special Report and the O'Reilly Factor has been filled by network veteran Brit Hume. When Hume took over the slot, he made it clear that the arrangement was temporary and that he would depart after the election. Now we know who will take the slot on a permanent basis with a whole new show.

Through the course of this election cycle, Fox News has become as unwatchable as its left-leaning counter-networks and it seems I'm not the only person to make such an observation. New data from YouGov BrandIndex released Thursday explored Fox News' brand value. Long touted as the Republican alternative to network news, Fox News viewers are increasingly disenchanted with the "we report, you decide" moniker. Ad Age explains:

In July, former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes, the company's former CEO. She claimed he fired her after “she complained about a hostile working environment” and refused to sleep with Ailes. Ailes denied the allegations, but today Fox News settled with Carlson for $20 million. Vanity Fair also reports that the company will "offer Carlson a public apology as part of the settlement."

Greta Van Susteren suddenly left Fox News on Monday after 14 years. Brit Hume will now host her show "On the Record" at the 7PM time slot starting on Tuesday and through the election. It is unknown if Fox News will change their schedule after the election.

Former Fox News Host, Andrea Tantaros, filed a sexual harassment complaint against the network Monday. The complaint went full scorched Earth, accusing Former Fox News CEO, Roger Ailes, Fox News Host Bill O'Reilly, and former Senator Scott Brown of making unwanted advances. Fox News has said they cannot comment on pending litigation, but the entire ordeal is a nasty "he said, she said" affair. Tantaros' legal troubles began earlier this year when Fox News accused her of breach of contract for writing a book without first obtaining the network's approval. Tantaros alleges the network is using the book kerfuffle to silence her sexual harassment complaints, and the network contends she's attempting to draw attention away from the alleged breach of contract. From Buzzfeed: