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Elizabeth Warren Tag

Elizabeth Warren is running hard left in her rhetoric, but the reality is she served big companies in her extensive private legal practice and got paid big, big dollars for it. At the first debate, Brown scored big points on Warren's representation of Travelers, for which...

Quick takes on the debate which just ended. End Result -- As with most of these things, people will see what they want. I'd say while Brown won hands down the first debate, this one was more even.  Brown won big on Warren's personal problems, which took...

This is the second debate, being held at U. Mass. Lowell, starting at 7 p.m. Eastern.  There should be live feeds on,,, and CBS 3 in Springfield . It may also be on CSPAN. David Gregory is the moderator - ugh.  Let me guess how...

In 2005, then University of Chicago Law School Assistant Professor Lea Krivinskas (now at Loyola Univ. - Chicago Law), wrote a paper for the American Bankruptcy Law Journal, titled 'Don't File!': Rehabilitating Unauthorized Practice of Law-Based Policies in the Credit Counseling Industry (free download here).  Prof. Krivinskas was...

I really try not to read the comments in other blogs about me.  In the early days I did care, but I learned that it's generally not healthy. But when I saw that Volokh Conspiracy had a short post by Jonathan Adler about Elizabeth Warren -- VC's first foray into the issue, I believe -- I did read. It's still not healthy.  But one comment (by a commenter, not Adler) caught my eye, referring to a sentence in my original post about Warren's law license problem:
I recommend that people view Jacobson's posts with skepticism.... For example, Jacobson's very first post says "Warren’s Texas Bar information indicates she is not eligible to be licensed in Texas."   In fact, she holds Texas bar membership and has been paying dues, as an inactive member.  If she were not eligible to practice, upon payment of the higher dues required of active members, those very words -- "Not Eligible To Practice in Texas" -- would appear on her profile page as it now does for others.
Hmmm.  I have been meticulous in the facts I have reported about Warren.  It is true that Warren now is shown as "inactive" and has been inactive since 1992, a fact reported by Rob Eno the other day. So where did I get the idea that Warren was "not eligible"?  In my original post, I didn't include a screen shot of Warren's entry, just a link to the Texas Bar page which now says "inactive". But I did take a screen shot prior to my first post, I just didn't include it in the post.  Here is the screen shot taken on September 21 showing that Warren was listed as "Not Eligible To Practice In Texas": I did not take a screen shot of the "click for detail" link on this page, unfortunately.

But here's what the same page looks like now using the same link:

In the time period since my first post appeared, Warren's status on the Texas Bar page changed.  And address information has been removed.

Starting with my post Elizabeth Warren’s law license problem last Monday and continuing through the week, I have laid out the facts and documents regarding Elizabeth Warren's practice of law from her Cambridge office over the course of a decade. I also have noted that Warren refuses...

Boston talk radio continues to be the main vehicle for getting the word out to Massachusetts voters about Elizabeth Warren's attorney licensing issue. In addition to my appearances on the Michael Graham and Howie Carr (with substitute host) shows on Monday, I also did appearances...

Elizabeth Warren and her supporters have mounted  an argument that what she did at her office in Cambridge for private litigants was not the practice of law. Warren herself, when confronted by a reporter after it was revealed she had no Massachusetts law license, claimed she...

It's always interesting to see how an issue you are intimately involved in plays out when it makes it to national broadcasts. Because of the time pressure on major shows, everything has to get drilled down, and sometimes things get lost. The issue of Elizabeth Warren's license...