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President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promise that the United States would officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of the Jewish state. He also vowed that when he became president he’d relocate the U.S. embassy from its current beachside location in Tel Aviv to the Holy City. U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv Beach Satellite   Now, some are saying that once he’s in the Oval Office, Trump will go back on his word.

Apparently the NY Times is reeling from its abysmal, over-the-top, foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Trump "news" coverage. Mark Halperin of Bloomberg News and Joe Scarborough noted the bias regarding election results coverage:
MARK HALPERIN: Look at the headline of this story. [Featured Image] Look at the headline of this story. This is the day after a surprising underdog sweeping victory and their headline is not “disaffected Americans have a champion going to the White House” or “the country votes for fundamental change.” The headline is about how disappointed the friends of the people who run the New York Times are about what’s happened. It’s amazing. It’s amazing to me that this is the headline of the New York Times. JOE SCARBOROUGH: Look at this. Look at this. This is staggering. It really is, Mark. I’m glad you brought this up.

Gallup's post-election poll shows that the majority of Americans (76%) were surprised by Tuesday's results, and they found that Trump supporters feel "excited" and "relieved," while Hillary supporters feel "afraid." Gallup reports:
Americans on both sides of the 2016 presidential race are reacting strongly to Donald Trump's victory Tuesday: 80% of Trump voters say they are "excited," while 76% of Hillary Clinton voters say they are "afraid." A large majority (75%) share one reaction: surprise. . . . . [W]hen asked whether each of six adjectives describes how they are reacting to the election results, Americans do not overwhelmingly identify with the most negative terms. Almost as many say they are "relieved" (40%) as say they are "afraid" (42%). About the same percentages describe their reaction as "excited" (35%) and "devastated" (34%).

A student at Bret Harte Preparatory Middle School in Los Angeles, CA, caught a substitute teacher telling Latino students their parents will be deported after Donald Trump won the election:
“If you were born here, then your parents gotta go and they gonna leave you behind. You’ll be in foster care,” according to the recording made by one of the 6th-grade students.

Two students from Babson College have been expelled from their fraternity for driving a truck with a Trump flag in the back through the campus of Wellesley College. Babson and Wellesley College are both located in Wellesley, MA. Hillary Clinton is also a Wellesley graduate. The Boston Globe reported:
Frat ousts two Babson students who drove through Wellesley campus waving Trump flag The two men who drove through Wellesley College in a pickup truck Wednesday while waving a Donald Trump flag are students at nearby Babson College, and some witnesses felt their words and actions were “racially offensive and gender demeaning,” Babson officials said Thursday.

Mary Chastain reviewed the impressive list of candidates for Donald Trump's cabinet released by Buzzfeed, featuring well-known politicos such as Rudy Guiliani, Newt Gingrich, and Chris Christie, Ben Carson, and Sarah Palin. However, via Don Surber, comes proof that Trump intends to dramatically change the political climate with his appointments by naming someone with a bit less notoriety to a fairly significant position.
Trump picked Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute, to head his transition team at the EPA.

Lots of people are having trouble adjusting to the fact that Donald Trump won the election and CNN commentator Van Jones is surely one of them. On election night he went off on a tirade about how Trump's election was a "whitelash." Politico reported:
Van Jones: Trump vote is a 'white-lash' CNN commentator Van Jones said racial tensions, including the race of the current president, caused a “white-lash” that helped drive Donald Trump’s Rust Belt victories.

Rachel Maddow has wondered out loud whether President-elect Trump might be under the influence of Russia. On her MSNBC show this evening, Maddow suggested that Trump might betray the most sensitive intelligence to the Russians—including the identity of US spies. She questioned whether US intelligence agencies should provide Trump with such information.

For most people, both Donald Trump's campaign and success came out of nowhere. But not for Anne Sorock of The Frontier Lab. Anne started writing for Legal Insurrection in April 2012 and was a regular contributor for many years. Over time Anne focused more and more of her time at The Frontier Lab, and now writes for us only sporadically. We have featured Anne's research at The Frontier Lab many times. Anne uses the Deep Values methodology she learned while interacting with the Food & Brand Lab at Cornell University while getting her MBA. Deep values research seeks to understand not just what consumers like or want, but what deeply held values lead to such decisions.

After his meeting with President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump drove down to Capitol Hill to meet with Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:
"I think we’re going to do some absolutely spectacular things for the American people," Trump said, sitting next to Ryan at a conference table in the Capitol. "We can’t get started fast enough." After meeting with McConnell, Trump said his top priorities were immigration and border security, addressing health care and "big-league jobs."