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President Donald Trump has signed a new immigration order, exempting Iraq and those who already hold visas. It still prohibits people from six nations "from entering the U.S. for 90 days." From The Wall Street Journal:
The new order doesn’t ban citizens of Iraq, one of many changes made to an original order in hopes of putting the measures on stronger legal and political footing. The White House says the ban is intended to stop potential national-security threats.

Morning Joe suffered a split personality today over President Trump's tweets alleging that President Obama had tapped his phones. On the one hand, Joe and Mika waxed apocalyptic, claiming the country is "in crisis" and questioning President Trump's "stability." At one point, Mika even seemed to choke up as she said, "this is really a dark time which could get worse." But at the same time, Joe Scarborough zeroed in on former Obama spox Josh Earnest's "very legalistic" responses to questioning by ABC's Martha Raddatz. On This Week, Raddatz cited former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau's tweet, warning "I'd be careful about reporting that Obama said there was no wiretapping. Statement just said that neither he nor the WH ordered it." Pressed by Raddatz, Earnest admitted "I don't know" whether the Obama Justice Department sought and obtained a court-ordered wiretap of the Trump campaign.

People marched in cities across the country Saturday to show support for President Trump. In a few places, anti-Trump protesters showed up and in Berkeley there was violence. The Reuters report below plays coy about who initiated the violence, but Trump supporters didn't show up to make trouble during the Women's March. Violence like this is the domain of the left:
In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent Supporters of Donald Trump clashed with counter-protesters at a rally in the famously left-leaning city of Berkeley, California, on a day of mostly peaceful gatherings in support of the U.S. president across the country.

Savvy Legal Insurrection readers may have already noticed the historic stock market levels that ensued after President Trump's address to the Congress. However, I think that only part of this optimism stem's from Trump's well received speech. I suspect another aspect to this optimism is that businesses are beginning to enjoy the regulatory relief from new rules that is the direct result of the President's very busy pen.

On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal published a report that then-Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) used campaign money to travel to the event where he mingled with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. There's a few problems with this assertion. Sessions used his campaign account to travel to the Republican National Convention...which is a campaign event for all of those politicians.

President Donald Trump presented his agenda in front of Congress on Tuesday night. For the first time since he announced his candidacy, Trump sounded presidential and smooth. Kemberlee reported he will speak about these topics:
  • Tax and regulatory reform
  • Making the workplace better for working parents
  • Obamacare reform
  • Education
  • Rebuilding the military
  • Taking care of veterans

Famous liberal actress Jennifer Garner has told The Washington Post that she will work with President Donald Trump to help him uphold a few of his campaign promises:
Very much in the former camp, Garner acknowledged that some of her friends “want to turn their back to this administration . . . [and] just wouldn’t even want to engage.” Not her. “If he’s willing to help the poor kids who got him elected, then let’s do it. They certainly think he’s going to,” she said.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson may finally have his #2 man at the department. The Wall Street Journal has reported former Utah Governor and presidential candidate Jon Huntsman has become one of the top contenders. Originally, Tillerson wanted Elliott Abrams, an official in the state department under President Ronald Reagan, but after learnings Abrams criticized Trump during the campaign, Trump said no.

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes announced there is no evidence of communication between President Donald Trump's team and Russian officials:
“There is no evidence that I’ve been presented [by the intelligence community] of regular contact with anybody in the Trump campaign,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters. “The way it sounds like to me is, it’s been looked into and there’s no evidence of anything there.”

The first month of Trump's presidency has highlighted marked divisions in public opinion that have been building for many years. Do you remember Obama's 2004 DNC speech? It had a dramatic effect on many listeners, and helped to set him on the road to the eventual presidency. The lines that appeared to have resonated most were these, which spoke to a deep yearning that already existed in many Americans who were listening:

Mike Barnicle, of all people, set the tone for the opening segment of today's Morning Joe, exclaiming "thank you, Jesus" in response to President Trump's pick of H.R. McMaster to take over from Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser. The segment was one belated Valentines Day bouquet of praise for McMaster, coming from members of the panel itself as well as in quotes from a bi-partisan array that included several critics of the president, John McCain notably among them. Perhaps even more significant than the accolades for McMaster was the suggestion that his selection reflected well on President Trump himself.

In a rare appearance on FOX News Sunday, Rush Limbaugh addressed a number of Trump related issues including the reasons for his loyal support, his battle with the media, and who's obstructing him in Washington. Here are some details from FOX News:
Limbaugh blasts news media attacks on Trump as pointless, 'kind of comical' Conservative radio star Rush Limbaugh on Sunday assailed the news media, suggesting its efforts to “destroy” Republican President Trump are “comical” and dismissing stories about Russia purportedly influencing the 2016 White House race in Trump’s favor.