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Perhaps nothing less than losing the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump could have motivated the left to brainstorm ways to tackle their popular vote problem.  The left tends to gravitate to the coasts and until relatively recently have left "flyover" country to the deplorable unwashed masses. Some on the left seem to be, in increasing numbers, coming to the conclusion that they need a Plan B in case their lunge to the progressive left doesn't pan out. To that end, leftists are positing a variety of ways to infiltrate red states and turn them blue.  From moving numerous government offices to flyover country to congregating in and taking over the political and socio-cultural center of major cities in red states, the left seems to be alert to the fact that the massive influx of blue staters to red states can make a difference to the political fortunes of their party and, ultimately, of its agenda.

Wait a second. I thought big banks are bad. Back in 2009, President Barack Obama called those on Wall Street "fat cats," which helped establish an uneasy relationship between banks and the White House. But less than a year out of office, Obama has had NO problem taking money from said "fat cats" for his speeches. Obama cannot run for president again, but remains an influence and just how will this affect a party that's already in shambles?

One of the many things that has long puzzled me about the leftist agenda is its long-standing, mulit-pronged attack on Judeo-Christianity.  On the one hand, I understand that the left has a reason for wishing to undermine religion.  After all, as assorted totalitarians, fascists, and communists well know, a populace permitted to believe in and publicly worship a power higher than government is anathema to totalitarian central control. Challenging and wiping out all religious references makes perfect sense if your goal is the total subjugation of a people under the all-powerful arm of a government that claims it will provide for all of its citizens' earthly needs.  What has puzzled me is that much of the left's base is Christian and/or Catholic.  I've been waiting at least ten years for the left to grasp this simple fact.

Democrats are still reeling from their historic electoral losses during the Obama era, particularly the loss of the White House in 2016.  They now appear to be increasingly coalescing behind single-payer as part of their "get back in power" strategy. Socialist senator and failed Democrat presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) peddled his inconceivably expensive "Medicare for all" throughout the 2016 presidential primaries.  Sanders himself refuses to address pesky questions about the cost or real-world viability of his socialist pipe-dream, but that hasn't stopped Democrats from seizing on the idea.

The longer Hillary insists on staying in the public eye, the more she rattles the already beleaguered Democrat Party. Democrats are not happy with Hillary's upcoming book tour for her memoir What Happened. As the party tries to regroup and reconnect, many think Hillary's blame game will only cause more problems.

My my, how the political pendulum has swung about the little darlings known as Antifa. Antifa, as we documented, are the continuation of a long line of Anarchist-Marxist street thugs originally known as Black Bloc, then Occupy, then in the age of the Resistance to Trump, were rebranded as "Anti-Fascist," hence, Antifa. The stripes changed, but not the violent tactics. Just as Democrats embraced Occupy, so too they embraced Antifa when Trump rallies were disrupted and Trump supporters beaten. "Punch a Nazi" became a popular slogan, with "Nazi" having an expansive definition to include all Trump supporters. We explored this Democratic love affair with Antifa in Democrats own Antifa, just like they owned Occupy.

Last month, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) caused quite a stir when he decided the party will not withhold funds from Democrat pro-life candidates. He understands the party is in trouble and needs to branch out. But abortion fanatics have decided to fight back against this decision, including Planned Parenthood. The fight has caused even more problems for the beleaguered Democrat party as it tries to find a way to secure more seats in Congress.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) fired up the Netroots crowd with one of her now-familiar red meat-tossing,  flame-throwing speeches.  The speech is being touted as the launch of her 2020 presidential campaign. Warren railed against moderate Democrats and insisted that "we are not a wing of today’s Democratic Party. We are the heart and soul of today’s Democratic Party." Her goal appears to be to push her already-decimated party further away from mainstream Americans who find her repellent and her regressive, 1930's-era ideas idiotic. The New York Times reports:

Senator Elizabeth Warren used a speech to a grass-roots conference Saturday to take direct aim at Democrats’ diminished moderate wing, ridiculing Clinton-era policies and jubilantly proclaiming that liberals had taken control of the party.

Obama is said to be planning a return to the public stage this fall in a move that has some Democrat strategists concerned.  Unwanted as the "face" of the Democratic Party and unwilling to be the "foil" for Republicans, Obama is expected to campaign for candidates in deep blue territory and to fund-raise. Town Hall reported last month:
The savior is returning. Barack Obama may get back into the trenches to help his party, which was widely expected, especially with the midterm season upon us. The former president is reportedly having regular check-ins with Democratic Party leaders, with speculation that he’s aiming to rebuild the party he helped destroy over the course of his presidency.

One would think the way the left and media rails against President Donald Trump and the GOP in Congress the Democratic Party would be prepared to go into 2018 and make dents in Capital Hill. It helps that GOP donors have decided to withhold funds after the Obamacare debacle. Nope. In Politico, Michael Whitney, who led fundraising for Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) in the primaries, wrote that the Democrats have "a serious fundraising crisis" mainly because the party has a tough time convincing small-dollar donors to donate.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is traveling the country, meeting with American workers, and doing other things which signify an interest in running for office. This includes hiring failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's pollster to work at his charity organization. Nothing is official yet but people are talking.

During the 2008 election, Democrats foamed at the mouth if you suggested Obama was a socialist. Then the 2016 election happened and with it the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. The mask was finally off as nearly half the Democratic Party rallied around an admitted socialist. Things would never be the same.