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Democrats Tag

The field of Democrats running for president in 2020 is going to be huge. Now that the Clintons are out of the way, everyone is going to get into the game and there will be plenty of fresh, young faces. Yet they could end up with an older ticket.

Politico stated it perfectly: "Dan Lipinski is the kind of candidate Democrats need more of for the party to win the House in November. But the national Democratic Party is refusing to endorse him." Lipinski, a pro-life Blue Dog Democrat, has represented Illinois's 3rd district for seven terms. Activist Marie Newman, whom The Independent described as "a decidedly Bernie Sanders-styled progressive," has challenged him with a platform more aligned with the party. So why would the Democratic Party turn its back on an incumbent? The abortion industry? Purity tests? Either way, this move against a popular incumbent shows that the Democratic Party remains in disarray despite their talk of taking over the House.

As the Democratic Party lurches leftward and adopts a distinctly socialist stance, its political center has also shifted left.  Amazingly, this new Democratic Party considers among its centrists those figures we tend to think of as radical leftists:  Obama, Hillary, and to a lesser extent Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Figures once considered fringe even among the left are now hailed as the voice of the party; these figures include self-proclaimed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and radical progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).  Sanders and more recently Warren have been strong proponents of single-payer and "free" college.  Thanks in large part to Bernie, much of the left, the Democrat base, thinks of itself as "Democratic Socialist."

Bill Nelson, the Democrat Senator from Florida, seems to think the gun control debate is going to help his party in the midterms. Gun control is normally a loser issue, but you have to understand that when Nelson says 'gun control debate' what he really means is the coordinated smear campaign against Republicans and the NRA that began with CNN's town hall event.

Less than two years ago, Hillary Clinton was the star of the show at the Democratic National Convention. Former President Bill Clinton was an honored guest who got rock star treatment. Now that the party has embraced the #MeToo movement and even jettisoned Al Franken, there's no room for Bill on the stage.

Democrats have done their best to downplay the significance of the recent tax reform bill. Nancy Pelosi even repeatedly referred to the benefits as crumbs. Unfortunately for them, millions of Americans are enjoying bonuses and higher pay.

Former attorney general Eric Holder is reportedly thinking of throwing his hat into the ring for the 2020 election. The roster of candidates who will run as Democrats will likely be very far left, so he'll fit right in.

Oh how the tides have turned. Democrats have thought latching onto celebrities would keep their brand afloat, but that has slowly died down with Trump's victory being the climax. Well, so we thought. Democrats and celebrities have a tough time accepting know, like how us regular Americans don't give a damn about what they think. Trump delivered them ANOTHER blow with his State of the Union last month while ANOTHER awards show dipped in ratings because we are sick and tired of being lectured by over paid snobs.

Tom Perez and Keith Ellison run the DNC, and one of their jobs is to raise money. Any way you look at it, they are failing their party in this task. The DNC had a miserable year for fundraising in 2017.

Tonight, President Trump will give his first State of the Union address; we'll have a live post on that later, so be sure to come back and share the fun.   In the meantime, the guest lists for both the president and the Democrats have been released. The contrast between those guests invited by the president and those invited by the tone-deaf Democrats is illuminating, speaking to the heart of the great political divide in our country.  President Trump's guests include law enforcement, first responders, and economists.  The Democrats are bringing a bunch of DREAMers and some representatives of the dwindling #MeToo movement.

Rep. Maxine Waters of California has made an industry out of opposing Trump. Her constant calls for Trump's impeachment has earned her the nickname "Auntie Maxine" from hordes of progressive youngsters. She won't be offering the official Democratic Party response to Trump's state of the union address (more on that in a moment), but she will be offering her own response.