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Democrats Tag

The Democratic party is desperately in need of some new blood. During the eight years of the Obama administration and the two midterm elections which occurred, their back bench was decimated. Now, despite the desire of the base for fresh faces, former Vice President Joe Biden is dropping not-so-subtle hints that he may run again.

The Democrats continue to ooze confidence that the party will take control of the House of Representatives in November as Axios revealed the House Democrats already have an agenda for 2019 with health care taking center stage.

In-N-Out Burger is a California institution. In fact, my family recently capped off a college tour of that state, and we all ordered Double Double meals! Yet after it was discovered that the business committed the Democratic Party designated sin of donating to the Republican Party for the upcoming election, the chair of the California Democratic Party thought the smart move was to call for a boycott.

You all know I'm excited that Gary Johnson entered the New Mexico senate race as a Libertarian candidate. I told Professor Jacobson I need to cover this race because I know Johnson has a decent chance to defeat the Democrat incumbent. A poll released only two days after Johnson announced proved me correct because he shot up to second place. The establishment in both parties have felt the heat. Republican candidate Mick Rich refused to bow out of the race to unite the GOP and Libertarians behind Johnson. Now New Mexico all of a sudden decides to restore straight party voting.

It seems like every few weeks, the Democrats roll out some new strategy or slogan which is intended to help them with the 2018 midterms. The newest one is completely doomed to fail. They're going to try to ignore Trump and not talk about him at all. This should end well.

A couple of weeks ago, the Democratic National Committee voted to accept donations from the fossil fuel industry. That was a big deal to the voters who make up the Democrats' base, especially younger supporters. A few times a year, we see student activists at various schools demanding that their college or university divest from the fossil fuel industry. This decision stings for the left even more because the DNC is reversing a decision they made to ban fossil fuel donations just a few months ago. When asked about this decision, Elizabeth Warren provided a non-answer.

We're all working hard to understand the very special SJW language of the regressive left.  Apparently, this special language makes "jokes" out of racism against white people because privilege, and we just don't get the funny.  We aren't sufficiently "woke" to see that we are a blight on the planet. The regressive left has encountered an entirely new beast now: a black female democrat racially slurring an Asian female democrat.  The mind boggles.  We can almost hear them scrambling to make sense of this in their bizarre SJW-land where intersectionality is the rule of the day and racism is the purview of those "fascist" white supremacists.

Former House Speaker and current House minority leader Nancy Pelosi may have believed him back in 2013 when then-President Obama assured the nation that Pelosi will again be speaker.  The 2014 midterms came and went, and then the 2016 presidential election, and still Pelosi does not hold the Speaker's gavel. And it looks like she may not hold it again, even if the Democrats manage to take back the House this November.  While Obama is among the few Democrat voices supporting Pelosi for Speaker these days, she has to be a bit worried that so many Democrat candidates are moving on and have been doing so for some time.

Republican Troy Balderson has a 50.2% lead in Ohio's 12th District special election over Democrat Danny O'Connor, who has 49.3% of the vote, to take over for Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi. The Republicans have held this seat for decades, but the Democrats saw an opportunity to give life to their supposed "blue wave" and poured an insane amount of money and attention into flipping this seat. Despite the vote count, both sides have claimed victory on this one. Yes, even the Democrats. They got so close, but does it matter? Should the Republicans be worried that it took a slim margin to win a historically Republican seat?

The recent surprise primary victory for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York convinced the socialist wing of the Democratic party that their time had finally come. One race they truly wanted to win was the Democratic primary for governor of Michigan. They even flew in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to help the campaign but it didn't work.