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Cornell Tag

Cornell University's campus in Ithaca, NY, is in turmoil after two incidents, as I first reported in mid-September. In one incident, a student shouted “build a wall” near the Latino Living Center. At least two reports (Campus Reform and The New American) claim the student was Hispanic and said it to mock Trump. The Cornell administration has declined to confirm or deny those reports, referring me instead to prior general statements from university officials. In a second incident, one or more students who got into a fight off campus with a black student called him the “N” word.

As we have previously covered, the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, NY, is in turmoil after two incidents. In one, a student shouted “build a wall” near the Latino Living Center. At least two reports (Campus Reform and The New American) claim the student was Hispanic and said it to mock Trump. The Cornell administration has declined to confirm or deny those reports, referring me instead to prior general statements from university officials.

The Cornell campus currently is in turmoil over two racial incidents. In one, a student shouted "build a wall" near the Latino Living Center. At least two reports (Campus Reform and The New American) claim the student was Hispanic and said it to mock Trump. The Cornell administration has declined to confirm or deny those reports, referring me instead to prior general statements from university officials. I may have more on that in a subsequent post.

At Cornell we mostly have great students. This is a story about some of those great students at an Israel Independence Day event who reacted in a powerful way when a small group of students from the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine disrupted the event. You may recall that there have been problems with anti-Israel activists on campus disrupting any positive event about Israel. Anti-Israel activists were the vanguard of the campus anti-free speech movement, as I documented in With campus shout downs, first they came for the Jews and Israel. At places like Berkeley, Jewish students have to find non-disclosed locations for pro-Israel events. Intimidation tactics by anti-Israel students have not been as big a problem at Cornell as on some other campuses, but a dozen or twenty people can cause a lot of trouble. In November 2014, anti-Israel students, assisted by Ithaca activists, tried to physically intimidate pro-Israel students. I covered the story, Cornell Pro-Israel students taunted: “F**k You Zionist scums” (Video at the link).

The price to be paid by conservatives on campus is a topic I have been covering frequently. I discussed recently the issues at Cornell in For conservatives at Cornell University, high price for free speech, and more generally the atmosphere on many campuses in The new Cultural Revolution on Campuses On May 1, 2017, I was a guest on the Lars Larson show, talking about the lessons of the smear attack on distinguished Cornell Chemistry Professor David B. Collum through a letter to the editor in The Cornell Sun signed by seven graduate students.

The events of the past year on campuses have been beyond disturbing. We are witnessing nothing less than a cultural purge of dissenting views on a wide range of topics in the name of social justice. No disagreement is tolerated, not even the slightest deviation. That purge has been going on for many years, but seems to have intensified and is turning on speakers, professors and fellow students. Yale is a particularly vivid example. A faculty couple were harassed and confronted in threatening tones when one of them (the wife) dared raise the question of whether students were overreacting to Halloween costumes, Yale SJW Student to Professor: “I want your job to be taken from you.”

David B. Collum is a world-renowned Chemistry Professor at Cornell University, where I teach at the law school. He has been at Cornell since 1980, and is Department Chair through the end of this academic year. I don't know Dave well, but we have met before. He is something of a Renaissance man, able to converse not only in his specialty, but also in the fields of economics and politics. He's an iconoclast, and self-identifies in his Twitter bio as "Libertarian. Fan of Austrian business cycle."

The way in which sexual misconduct on college campuses is investigated often puts the accused, usually men, in horrible situations. We have written many times about these "kangaroo courts." Sometimes tragedy follows. We recently covered a tragic case in Texas:
Student in Texas Commits Suicide After Trial by Kangaroo Court This is such a sad story. To make matters worse, it’s all just based on accusations. Nothing more. Ashe Schow reports at Watchdog:

It's not popular to be politically conservative at Cornell University, where I teach at the law school. A recent study by The Cornell Sun student newspaper documented that 97% of faculty donations at Cornell Univ. went to Democrats, while an analysis by The College Fix showed that eleven departments at Cornell have ZERO Republican professors. While Cornell is nowhere near as political or radical as many other Ivy League schools, such as Columbia, at the student level there is an overwhelmingly liberal and far-left bent among those students who are politically active.