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College Insurrection Tag

Shut yo mouth: Texas high school cuts valedictorian’s mic for talking about the US Constitution Australian University Censors Speech Deemed Offensive to Islam Pro-Palestinian groups on campus aren’t big fans of free speech And dress the way we tell you: New Hampshire senior not allowed to wear Marine uniform at...

Everything is harassment: The federal government has overreached on campus sexual harassment rules Literature Prof lampoons new federal government sexual harassment policy Such as: Cambridge Univ. law students stunned by graphic sexual questions on exam Co-eds filmed naked in shower in co-ed dorm at Middle Tenn. State NYU prof says fat...

It's grim out there: A third of Millennials regret going to college New Poll Sheds Light on Grim Reality for College Graduates New report says overdue student loans have hit all time high Just bare it: UC Boulder student has naked freak out after eating magic mushrooms University of Illinois hikes...

Pushing back against the narratives: CAMERA launches new website for pro-Israel college students “Affirmative Action Baby” … Or Survivor? Prager U. Video – The Separation of Church and State FIRE works overtime for targeted Syracuse U. students College Fix Editor: Porn is a weapon in the real campus ‘war on women’ Thomas...

This week college campuses looked relatively sane compared to Washington, D.C. I emphasize "relatively." Occupy brings “two chickens, three goats and a rabbit” as part of takeover of U. California farm Swarthmore’s descent into madness Louisiana State Hosts “Lavender Graduation” For Homosexual Grads Six Degrees of Separation: Stanford University – Where...

Lords of the Flies: Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds Envelope with white powder...

The first College Insurrection listicle: College Insurrection’s Top 10 College Movies Hoax: Brown Spectator author rips apart inflated campus rape stats Wyoming liberal coed uses Facebook to set-up rape hoax Why are campus hate crime hoaxes so common? Remember that "everyone should go to college" thing? Never mind: Duh of the Day...

It has been over two months since a series of racist, sexist and homophobic slurs were found written on the campus of Oberlin College. When a student reported seeing someone in a Klan outfit -- a sighting which likely was a woman walking wrapped in a blanket --...

New Common Core course requirements: The Pornification of Campuses Video – Inside a college porn class Middle school girls forced to act out lesbian kiss scene Eternal Vigilance against dissent! U.Conn student says school’s logo promotes rape SUNY-Geneseo students misunderstand point of ‘sexual assault’ lecture, erupt in fury FIRE: Six Ways to Defeat...

Not really into that Coxexist stuff on campus: Kangaroo courts for men on campus U. Buffalo Prof in profanity-laced tirade against pro-life students Pro-Life Display Vandalized at Slippery Rock University Chapel at Georgetown Vandalized USC student on the prof who called Republicans ‘stupid’ and ‘racist’ But they've taken the first step,...

From College Insurrection: MIT community recalls officer Sean Collier, shot by Boston bombing suspect Emerson College Students United After Boston Marathon Bombing Missouri State Student: What We Know About Boston Springfield College Paper Recounts Horror of Boston Marathon Bombing The Northwestern Chronicle Reacts to the Boston Marathon Bombing Emory student decries...

Cause: While you were sleeping, radical 1960s leftists took over the education system Video: Bill O’Reilly and Charles Krauthammer Analyze the Liberal Takeover of Higher Ed Professor attacks Pope for blessing disabled man, claims Christian bias against disabled USC Student Exposes Professor Who Routinely Calls Republicans Stupid and Racist Wisconsin...

Fake: McDonald’s “College Grad Job Ad” listing “fake but accurate” Unfortunately, everything else is real. Really sad: U. Chicago Demolishes Reagan’s Childhood Home Really a glimpse of things to come: Gay Students Seek Campus Chaplain’s Removal from George Washington U. Video: Woman Destroys Pro-Life Display at Ohio State Stanley Kurtz – What’s the...

The joint is stompin', it's really stompin': Bill O’Reilly Covers Florida Jesus Stomp Controversy University Files Charges Against Student who Refused to Stomp on Jesus Florida Atlantic University apologizes for Jesus Stomping 101 Video – Florida Atlantic Issues Official Apology Over Jesus Stomp Dissent is not patriotic: Ohio State University Releases...

We have videos: “Great Vagina Man” shouts down pro-life speaker at U. Waterloo (Video) Student suspended for complaining about “Stomp on Jesus” Prof (Video) Video – A Brief History of Censorship on Campus (Video) Prager U.: The President Who Shrank Government (Video) Oregon law professor loses job after attack on students (Video) Don't you love it...

It was not complete and total insanity at Brown this week: Brown Student: “many young liberal voters will soon find themselves under attack as they launch themselves into their careers” Brown Spectator – Reject Anti-Israel Divestment Trend Brown Spectator author translates Obama Speak which is not to say it wasn't...

Oberlin College cancelled classes based on a report that an individual was seen wearing a KKK-hood. It turned out that the mystery figure likely was a woman in a blanket. As we wait for further details as to who was behind hate-graffiti in the weeks prior to the dramatic...