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College Insurrection Tag

Oberlin College certainly is an "exciting" place to be these days. Oberlin just fired a professor after antisemitic Facebook posts, students are petitioning to become a sanctuary campus, and the President of Oberlin just circulated an email about antisemitic vandalism at an unnamed professor's house. That come just after calls from Black Lives Matters supporters on campus to boycott Gibson's Bakery, near the Oberlin College campus. The spark was the arrest of a black student for shoplifting and assault, and two other students for assault on the shop owner. In response, Oberlin College appears to have ceased purchasing baked goods from Gibson's, in apparent sympathy with the boycott call:

America's next generation of community organizers has launched a new campaign to turn college campuses into safe spaces for illegal immigrants not unlike the model of sanctuary cities. CNN reports:
'Sanctuary campus' protests target Trump immigration policies College campuses have become new battlegrounds over immigration as student protests pick up around the US in the wake of last week's presidential election. At universities across the country, students were walking out Wednesday. Their aim: Pressuring officials to make their school a "sanctuary campus" that limits cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

The Young Americans for Freedom chapter at DePaul University invited Christina Hoff Sommers and Ben Shapiro to speak on campus. At some point, the administration decided not to allow Ben Shapiro on campus over supposed security concerns, even threatening him with arrest if he set foot on campus. In an ultimate twist of irony, the subject of Shapiro's speech was free speech on campus. The YAF blog has the details:
DePaul Obstructs YAF Lecture, Shapiro, Sommers Despite having no apparent problem hosting prominent leftists in the past, DePaul University is working to obstruct DePaul Young Americans for Freedom’s scheduled lecture with Christina Hoff Sommers, after the chapter announced Ben Shapiro was slated to make a guest appearance.

You may remember Joy Karega, the Oberlin College "Social Justice Writing" Professor who put numerous anti-Semitic posts and graphics on Facebook. Karega was a supporter of the anti-Israel boycott movement, and hosted an event promoting BDS right around the time the controversy over her Facebook posts erupted. But she wasn't questioned and didn't get in trouble for her anti-Israel views. Those views, unfortunately, are all the rage at Oberlin and other liberal campuses. Rather, her Facebook posting clearly veered into rank antisemitism. Like this one alleging a conspiracy by the Rothschilds to rule the world: