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College Insurrection Tag

There is a mad rush among progressive academics to institute "sanctuary campus" polices which will harbor illegal immigrants much in the same way as sanctuary cities. It's largely due to Trump's stunning election victory and the left is trying to make it happen before the President Elect is sworn in. Meanwhile, opponents of this policy are working on possible consequences for these actions. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is one of those people.

Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum spoke at Cornell on Wednesday night and was repeatedly interrupted and heckled by a group of students. The event was sponsored by the Cornell Republicans who announced it on Facebook:
The Cornell University College Republicans is proud to announce that Rick Santorum, former Senator, former presidential candidate, author, and attorney will be speaking in Alice Statler Auditorium on the Cornell University Campus on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 6:30 PM. Doors will open at 6:15 PM, and there will be a question and answer session following Mr. Santorum’s keynote speech. The event is free and open to the public.