U. Tampa Prof Fired for Calling Hurricane ‘Karma’ Over Texas Support for Republicans
“I deeply regret a statement I posted yesterday."...
“I deeply regret a statement I posted yesterday."...
"the job shortage won't go away any time soon"...
"segregated therapy sessions"...
"they ought to require a course on the Constitution and civics"...
Healing from racial injustices...
“The hostility, the divisive rhetoric, it has to end."...
"No one on the outside has a clue to what we went through."...
We hate fascism! But you can't attend our meeting...
This should be fun...
Despite this, she recruited 56 students....
The school already retired Chief Illiniwek....
She claims the school deliberately neglected her report....
Your weekly report on campus news....
Must combat bias!...
Not a bad idea...
He will hold five lectures at the school....
"Pick a side: denounce your affiliation, or admit you're a racist.”...
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