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Climate Change Tag

Sen. Ted Cruz joined MSNBC's Chris Hayes at the Texas Tribune Festival on a stage sponsored by NBC. Hayes is as true a progressive as they come. That said, I've never found him off-putting for the sheer reason that he is always willing to engage in mostly civil debate, a rarity these days.

The way to not get people to your side is disrupting their daily routine, especially in an already traffic-congested place like Washington, DC. The #ShutDownDC rally caused even more traffic jams in DC, including holding up emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire trucks. Some videos show people throwing glitter and confetti because we all know they do not practice what they preach.

Yesterday, I was fuming that my son's school participated in the abysmal #ClimateStrike. Fortunately, student participation in it was optional, and my boy gave the event a hard pass. As a parent, I would prefer students learn actual science and mathematics. If teachers are going to pursue climate-related activities, instead of promoting protests, they should review such concepts as the Milankovitch Cycles, Maunder Minimums, and the geologic record of major extinction level events.

During the same congressional hearing that featured Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg, lawmakers also heard from an American teenager named Jamie Margolin of Washington state. She used the same type of doomsday rhetoric we've heard from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. According to Margolin, some of her peers are wondering why they should even complete their studies since the world is ending.

When the 115th session of the US Congress finishes, I would be hard-pressed to pick the most insane stunt organized by our illustrious representatives. I'm tempted to pick Impeachment Theater as the most senseless move. But I pick the decision to put a teenaged foreigner before Congress as an expert on climate science, setting policy that would dramatically impact our economy and national safety.

CNN hosted a much-touted "Climate Crisis Town Hall" for the Democratic presidential candidates on Tuesday night. However, a Category 5 Trump Tweet-storm slammed the event before the 7 hours of green justice fun began. President Donald Trump laid out 8-critical points, which refuted the fear-mongering that the 10 candidates offered to potential voters.

The recent G7 economic summit included exchanges between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and French President Emmanuel Macron that was nearly as heated as the Amazon wildfires. During the summit, the G7 nations had agreed to send aid to fight the fires in the Amazon. Brazil rejected that offer, with a concise reminder about the Notre Dame blaze and European deforestation.