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Centers for Disease Control Tag

U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich threw out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) eviction moratorium. The CDC implemented the moratorium last year because of COVID-19 and extended it until June 2021.

I don't know, President Joe Biden. Maybe we should go with the "neanderthal thinking" when it comes to COVID restrictions. The left lost their minds when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott eliminated the state mask mandate. They still hate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Yet, those states have been recording fewer cases than Democrat-led Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York.

In late March, I blogged that former CDC Director Robert Redfield asserted that COVID-19 likely came from a laboratory in Wuhan, China: “I’m of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathology in Wuhan was from a laboratory — escaped.” Now, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has broken ranks with his network to support Redfield's belief theory on the coronavirus's origin.

Do we need more proof these people want power and control? CDC Director Rochelle Walensky just gave us another piece of evidence! COVID cases have grown in Michigan, leading Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to beg the government for more vaccines. Walensky said the state could not vaccinate its way out of this. She suggested Whitmer "shut things down."

President Joe Biden has already seen a $1.9 trillion "COVID" relief bill. His $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill is pending. Now Biden wants to raise federal spending by 8.4% with his $1.5 trillion budget for the 2022 fiscal year. The $1.5 trillion does not include money or entitlements like Social Security.

The CDC's latest COVID-19 guidelines state fully-vaccinated people can gather together without masks. You can also go maskless around low-risk non-vaccinated people. The CDC considers you fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dosage and two weeks after the single shot from Johnson & Johnson.

To the shock of no one, President Joe Biden and the CDC skirted around his declaration of requiring masks on planes, trains, and federal property. Another order quietly came about on January 28th, which mentioned compliance "consistent with CDC guidelines and applicable law." So those who thought Biden would go farther were right. He just did it through the CDC, which requires masks in all modes of transportation. It went into effect this week.