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Border Crisis Tag

The Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector arrested 12 gang members and six men between February 18-25. Two of the men had criminal convictions including sex crimes and homicide against children. I wish the Border Patrol's press statement provided details about the men who committed crimes...

Hispanic voters are trending Republican in a shift that could have a huge impact on the elections of 2022 and 2024. There are a few reasons for this, but two of the big ones are the ongoing crisis at the southern border and inflation. The GOP should lay out a red carpet for these voters and make sure they know how welcome they are in the party.

Next week, the Biden administration might reinstate Trump's remain in Mexico policy, which forces migrants to stay on the other side of the border while their applications are being processed. This will undoubtedly cause gnashing of teeth from leftists, who have convinced themselves that any and all Trump policies are inherently evil.