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Border Crisis Tag

As Republicans, normal Americans, and even some moderate Democrats are lambasted as "unAmerican" at best and "racist, white supremacist Nazis" at worst for arguing that open borders is a really bad idea, a new survey conducted by The Washington Post and Mexico’s Reforma newspaper finds that the majority of Mexicans want illegal aliens in Mexico deported back to their home countries.

Top DHS officials from President Barack Obama's administration have taken a strong stand against the border decriminalization positions held by 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. The Hill reports:
In an op-ed in The Washington Post this week, former Obama Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that decriminalization would attract hundreds of thousands of new migrants to the southern border. He described the proposal as “tantamount to declaring publicly that we have open borders.”

Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner John Sanders resigned on Tuesday, which goes into effect on July 5, amid detention center controversies at the US southern border. President Donald Trump knew changes would come to the agency, but he tried to convince Sanders to stay on the job.

The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a $4.6 billion emergency spending bill to address the border crisis.  Approval was achieved only after explicit wording was included that prevents diverting any of the monies to the building of the wall.  The bill will move to the Senate next week for a vote.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigned on Sunday after butting heads with President Donald Trump over policy and border control issues. He recently asked her "to close the ports of entry along the border and to stop accepting asylum seekers, which Ms. Nielsen found ineffective and inappropriate." Trump has chosen US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan as acting DHS secretary, but will he have the toughness Trump desires in the role? Some officials told CNN that they don't consider McAleenan "an ideologue or fire breather" when it comes to immigration.

Mark Morgan, President Barack Obama's Border Patrol chief, has come out again to speak about the the southern border. He said this morning the border crisis "is absolutely a national emergency." From Fox Business:
“It’s absolutely a national emergency,” he said during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on “Mornings with Maria, Opens a New Window. ” referring to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements' (ICE) release of hundreds of migrants detained at the U.S.-Mexico border because of overcrowding at detention facilities.