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Black Lives Matter Tag

Both Kenosha, Wisconsin, prosecutors and an outside police use of force independent expert hired by the city found that the police shooting of Jacob Blake by Officer Rusten Shesky was a justifiable use of police force in the circumstance where, among other things, Blake was holding a knife and turned towards Shesky in a sweeping and threatening manner.

This past Sunday, March 14, 2021, marked the 2021 Grammys award ceremony. Usually, I pay exactly zero attention to celebrity awards shows, but this year's event deserves a mention. After a year marked by ever-increasing anti-Semitic incidents and the continued normalization of leftist Jew-hate, the Recording Academy decided that what the show really needed was a special performance by disgraced former Women's March leader, Louis Farrakhan-supporter, and (as far as I can tell) non-musician Tamika Mallory.

As the spring 2021 college semester unfolds, universities around the country have organized events to commemorate Black History Month (rightly so). But at Northeastern University, a new "intersectional" student group took the opportunity to host radical anti-Israel activist Angela Davis, known for her frequent calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Professor Marc Lamont Hill is an influential and high-profile leader of two movements: The Black Lives Matter movement and the anti-Israel movement. The "intersectional" hijacking and crossover of domestic movements in the anti-Israel cause is something we have covered for years. Lamont Hill just admitted what we all knew, but some people deny: one of the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement is the destruction of Israel.