Bill de Blasio | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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If you're trying to think of things to be thankful for in the New Year, you're in luck. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is finally on his way out of office. He has some competition for worst mayor in the country, but I think he takes it because we're talking about New York City here.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has no problem with the NYPD acting like the speech police to help combat so-called hate crimes against Asian-Americans:
“Even if something is not a criminal case, a perpetrator being confronted by the city, whether it’s NYPD or another agency, and being told that what they’ve done was very hurtful to another person — and could, if ever repeated, lead to criminal charges — that’s another important piece of the puzzle,” de Blasio told reporters.

Was it worth it, Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Your COVID-19 nursing home order and hiding the real numbers are breaking down your walls. Cuomo ranted and raved during his Friday press conference. Then the NY Assembly GOP prepared the impeachment process, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) supports an investigation, and an assemblywoman shared messages she received from people who claimed Cuomo bullied them.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to terminate the city's contracts with the Trump Organization due to the Capitol Hill riots. New York is in the midst of unprecedented health and economic crisis, much of it due to de Blasio's ineptness as mayor. He is using this situation to deflect and virtue signal to the left.

I came across this New York Post article about 12,000 kids not allowed to return to school after the Christmas holidays over lack of COVID-19 consent forms. Interest piqued because government sucks. It turns out Mayor Bill de Blasio required a consent form to test your child for COVID without a parent present and would not accept test results from a private doctor.

Science has shown us for a while that schools are pretty safe from COVID-19 spreads. That didn't stop New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio from shutting down the schools due to a spike in cases in the city. Parents got ticked and *now* de Blasio acknowledges the science the Democrats supposedly embrace so much.