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Bill Clinton Tag

Democratic Party loyalists may tell you they still believe Hillary should have won the election but she didn't and at this point, most people feel done with her. It's not just Hillary either, it's Bill and Chelsea as well. How else can you explain a piece like this in Vanity Fair?
Please, God. Stop Chelsea Clinton From Whatever She is Doing The last thing the left needs is the third iteration of a failed political dynasty. Amid investigations into Russian election interference, perhaps we ought to consider whether the Kremlin, to hurt Democrats, helped put Chelsea Clinton on the cover of Variety. Or maybe superstition explains it. Like tribesmen laying out a sacrifice to placate King Kong, news outlets continue to make offerings to the Clinton gods.

It's hard to rank Clinton scandals. Hillary's email scandal has been the focus for good reason -- it's been more accessible because the records at issue were public records even if hidden and destroyed by Hillary in good measure. The Washington Post reports tonight that the Huma-Weiner computer issue that led to FBI Director Comey's letter to Congress was discovered in early October. The sequence of events leading to Comey's letter was not as quick or haphazard as reported, but fairly methodical to the point that Comey felt word would leak out because prosecutors needed a search warrant:

The Wikileaks dump of John Podesta's emails have led to a treasure trove of information, but one memo caught many eyes because Bill Clinton's old advisor Doug Band wrote out ways the former president used the Clinton Foundation to build is personal wealth. He even referred the foundation as Bill Clinton Inc. Band, who also worked at Teneo Consulting, pushed out the memo after a fight between him and Chelsea Clinton, who said that Band others used her father and the foundation for their own profits.

Obamacare architect Dr. Ezekiel 'Death Panel' Emanuel is back. This guy has an amazing ability to blame all the problems of Obamacare on everyone but the party which passed it and the president it's named for. He also agrees with some of Bill Clinton's recent remarks on the law. The Washington Free Beacon reports:
Obamacare Architect on Bill Clinton’s Criticisms: ‘I Think He Has a Point’

Donald Trump said at the debate that he would consider whether to accept the election results at a later date. The media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) are pretending to be apoplectic, as if Trump had violated a core principle of our democracy that no election result could be contested. The NY Times hyperventilated, Donald Trump’s Contempt for Democracy, while WaPo called it Trump’s breathtaking repudiation of American democracy. In fact, Trump "threatens" to do only what Democrats have done in the past when it comes to disputed elections:

WikiLeaks' release of the Podesta emails includes exchanges among Team Hillary on two matters related to her and Bill Clinton's shady past when it comes to women.  In December, 2015 they shared the reaction to Hillary's bizarre statement that victims of rape and sexual assault "deserve to be believed," and in January, 2016, they discussed how to deflect or discredit Juanita Broaddrick's claim that even after nearly 40 years she is still haunted by her alleged rape by Bill Clinton. In an email chain entitled "FYI," Team Hillary alerts its members to the fall-out from Hillary's ridiculously idiotic (given her and husband's history) statement about women being believed, a credo she and Bill have never lived by. This all seems to have started with a tweet from Jennifer Epstein, a "reporter" who covers Hillary Clinton for Bloomberg. The tweet itself appears to have been deleted; however, the internet being the internet, it is cached.

Wikileaks released another batch of emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, some of which tells about drama within the Clinton Foundation and limiting the usage of Bill due to his sexual history. In one disturbing chain, Doug Band, a lawyer who helped form the Clinton Foundation and former aide to President Bill Clinton, wrote to Podesta, Hillary aide Cheryl Mills, and aide Justin Cooper about how Bill and Chelsea's "office crap" almost caused the foundation's COO to commit suicide: Clinton Foundation COO Suicidal He also told the group Bruce, another employee, claimed this same crap caused his serious health problems.

By any conventional wisdom, Donald Trump's polling numbers should crater as a result of the release of a 2005 video in which he disparages women and boasts of hitting on married and other women in a manner that suggests non-consensual sexual contact. But so much of what seems logical to me has been wrong when it comes to Trump's ability to weather political storms. Put aside the rank hypocrisy of the politicians and media who to this day defend Bill Clinton, who is alleged by numerous women to have done far worse. Precisely because the media would want any Republican to lose, no moral equivalence will be drawn much yet used as an excuse. After all, the media painted Mitt Romney as a virtual sexual deviant because of the "binders of women" comment during a debate, so yes, the mainstream media is disgusting and dishonest.

Republicans have fought against Obamacare from the beginning, but now Democrats have started to pile on. President Bill Clinton recently lashed out at the system at a rally in Michigan:
“You’ve got this crazy system where all the sudden 25 million more people have healthcare and then the people are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half,” Clinton said. “It’s the craziest thing in the world,” he said.

Democrats and their media allies are trying to revive the "war on women" from their 2012 playbook. The best they can do however, is accuse Trump of fat shaming a beauty queen over twenty years ago. Trump has been teasing that he might go after Hillary for the way she treated Bill Clinton's women over the years but it seems The New York Times has beaten him to the punch. This report from Megan Twohey is filled with all kinds of sordid details:
How Hillary Clinton Grappled With Bill Clinton’s Infidelity, and His Accusers Hillary Clinton was campaigning for her husband in January 1992 when she learned of the race’s newest flare-up: Gennifer Flowers had just released tapes of phone calls with Bill Clinton to back up her claim they had had an affair.

Former President Bill Clinton told staffers at the Clinton Foundation if Hillary wins the presidency they will stop accepting foreign and corporate donations. From Fox News:
While Hillary Clinton stepped down from its board after launching her 2016 campaign, her husband and daughter have remained in leadership roles, leading to questions about the ability of the organization to continue its work should Clinton win the White House.

Buzzfeed has a lengthy article and interview with Juanita Broaddrick, who has accused Bill Clinton of rape, Juanita Broaddrick Wants To Be Believed. It's well worth the read. There is one part of the Buzzfeed article which is news in itself. Hillary (in)famously stated on Twitter, and a campaign video quoted on her website, that women who allege sexual assault "have the right to be believed." In light of the accusations by Broaddrick and others such as Paula Jones, Hillary's comment was the focus of much mockery, including our tweet of a previous A.F. Branco cartoon:

Now that his wife has been "cleared" of any wrongdoing in her email scandal, Bill Clinton is getting a bit more bold in his defense of Hillary. It's apparently not enough that she got a walk for something that would have meant serious trouble for anyone else, now Bill has to rub the FBI's nose in it. The New York Post reports:
Bill Clinton accuses FBI of serving up a ‘load of bull’ Bill Clinton is accusing the FBI director of serving up “the biggest load of bull I’ve ever heard” — marking the first significant public comments from the husband of the Democratic nominee on the scandal that’s plagued his wife’s campaign for over a year.