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Biden Administration Tag

Joe Biden is set to deliver a State of the Union address on Tuesday night, and he doesn't have much to offer in the way of good news. He has not shut down the virus as promised, inflation and gas prices are still rising, and everything seems to be in a state of chaos. New polling indicates what most people are feeling. So far, this is a failed presidency.

The fence that was erected around the Capitol after the January 6th riot is going back up ahead of Biden's State of the Union address on March 1st, due to concerns about an American trucker convoy-style protest. Once again, the very people who told us walls don't work will be hiding behind one.

The Biden Administration's evacuation of Afghanistan in August of 2021 was a disaster. Some analysts point to that moment as the beginning of Biden's imploding poll numbers, as Americans were horrified by the images of people clinging to airplanes and falling to their deaths. Newly leaked documents show that Biden and his team were completely unprepared for this moment.