Buh-Bye Beto, It Wasn’t Nice Knowing You
Three time loser, twice in Texas and a presidential run....
Three time loser, twice in Texas and a presidential run....
"Please god let me unsee this"...
I doubt this money will do anything for Robert Francis O'Rourke....
Way to make a tragedy about you, ROBERT....
Now he LOVES #2A: “I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment."...
"On behalf of the ranchers, oil and gas, the farmers . . . I’m in your grill telling you, don’t come back. We don’t want you here."...
The man doesn't know when to quit. No one likes you!...
"Former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat, is reportedly preparing a bid to challenge Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in the Texas gubernatorial race next November."...
"He's got a unique take on things with his experience as a congressman and as [a] senatorial candidate and even a presidential candidate."...
Mr. O’Rourke made the decision to quit the race in the middle of this week, on the eve of a gathering Friday of Democratic presidential candidates in Iowa, according to people familiar with his thinking. He is not expected to run for any other office in 2020, despite persistent efforts by party leaders and political donors to coax him into another bid for the Senate.
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