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Antifa Tag

ANTIFA celebrated President Joe Biden's inauguration by vandalizing and rioting in Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR. They do not care who is in charge in D.C. They chanted, "F*ck President Biden" as they destroyed businesses in Seattle, WA. The only thing that has changed is the silence from the Democratic leaders even after ANTIFA vandalized the Oregon Democratic Party offices in Portland, OR.

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday's Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

In the months before the 2016 election, Trump supporters were repeatedly physically attacked by members of the left, out in the open, sometimes as they left Trump rallies. In 2020, we are seeing a repeat of this behavior as most of the media looks the other way, just as they did four years ago.

This week, students and outsiders at Northwestern University in Chicago staged an anti-police protest that left the campus covered in graffiti. The rhetoric included messages like "more dead pigs" and worse. To his credit, Northwestern President Morton Schapiro strongly denounced the protests, and called out the left for thinking they're more important than others on campus.