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Anti-Trump Protests Tag

With Europe under permanent siege, a fact that Monday night’s deadly terrorist attack in the British city of Manchester again painfully drove home, leftist agitators are hoping to gather in their thousands in the Belgian capital of Brussels to "protest" President Donald Trump's visit. "Tens of thousands" are expected at the anti-Trump march in Brussels on Wednesday, British newspaper Guardian wrote. Brussels-based ringleaders of the anti-Trump protests were mad at President Trump for “excluding people”, “denying global warming,” and “intimidating the media.” On their website the organisers urged that they "would like to see pussy hats in all shapes and colours to show our resistance against Trump." Among Far-Left political parties and unions, the UK-based charity Oxfam and the 'environmental' group Greenpeace have been listed as the sponsors of the protest.

The NAACP has determined that its current path is too tame and that the group needs to be far more activist in its resistance to the President. To that end, it is firing its president and working on a “systemwide refresh," inspired apparently by the Black Lives Movement. The New York Times reports:

Mr. Sessions’s order to federal prosecutors to pursue the toughest charges and sentences against drug crime suspects crystallized the decision to press for change at the N.A.A.C.P. The order reversed efforts by the Obama administration to ease penalties for some nonviolent drug offenses and was a 180-degree pivot even for the Republican Party, which had warmed to changes in the criminal justice system.

Early in Obama's first term, completely peaceful Tea Party protests happened around the country. The liberal media routinely denounced the Tea Party as dangerous and hostile. Since the night of Trump's election, the left has been engaging in protests which often look more like riots. Windows have been smashed, people have been punched and the media sits by ignoring the whole thing. In 2010, Tea Party protesters showed up at town hall meetings to protest the passage of Obamacare. Again, the media called them racist and dangerous. Now leftists are showing up at town halls, but the media coverage is vastly different.

One of the things I most enjoyed about watching the Occupy movement implode was their profound lack of understanding of average Americans.  They seemed to really believe that they could sway American opinion by screeching about the glories of communism, pooping on cop cars, setting up '60's-style communal "democracies," using their hand twinkles and "human microphones," and living in squalor in crime-riddled encampments. At times, I simply couldn't understand what in the world they—and their organizers—were thinking.  Was this depraved display supposed to appeal to the typical American with a mortgage, a job, a family, a life?  It was, of course, but it was so far off the mark that they ended up reviled and ridiculed.

Progressive activists certainly had a busy day Monday. First, they staged "A Day Without Immigrants", which went unnoticed by most hard-working, tax-paying Americans. Afterwards, they staged "peaceful" demonstrations in support of the workers who would be hurt by illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, a few of those events turned violent.

Last weekend, I covered the #MarchForScience, an organized series of nationwide demonstrations supposedly in support of funding all science by the American government...but more an excuse for railing against the policies of President Donald Trump. This weekend, there was the "People's Climate March", supposedly in support of funding climate science by the American government...but more an excuse for railing against the policies of President Donald Trump.

A new left wing group called "People's Action" invaded the office of the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday afternoon. Protesters carried signs that said they want a "budget for the people" and they clearly targeted Heritage for the trust President Trump has placed in the organization. Phillip Wegmann reports at the Washington Examiner:
Liberal protest mob storms Heritage Foundation Barack Obama broke his silence yesterday to speak about the importance of civic engagement. The former president talked about things like "listening to understand" and working "to create trust." Altogether it was a good primer on the importance of polite political activism.

With the mainstream media generating #FakeNews, ginning up anger at President Donald Trump, and indulging in climate change alarmism, thousands of Americans rallied at local "March For Science" events around the nation on Saturday.
Bill Nye, an engineer and educator known as “the science guy” through his appearances on television, spoke to thousands of enthusiastic marchers in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, declaring that science serves everyone and must be for all.

For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, here's a quick recap of where we are now. If Ann Coulter or any other conservative wants to speak on a college campus, it's justification for a riot. If a professor decides to paint the president as beheaded, it's an important free speech issue. Got it? Campus Reform reports:
U Alaska art exhibition displays Trump’s severed head The University of Alaska Anchorage is displaying a professor’s painting that depicts Captain America holding the severed head of President Donald Trump. The work, created by Assistant Professor of Painting Thomas Chung, is being presented as part of a month-long faculty art exhibition in the university’s fine arts gallery, reports KTUU.

The student editors at the Wellesley College (Hillary's alma mater) student newspaper wrote an editorial recently that rightly is getting much criticism and mockery. The Editorial is titled Free Speech is Not Violated At Wellesley.  The argument is that shutting down what the editors call "hate speech" is not a violation of free speech:
Many members of our community, including students, alumnae and faculty, have criticized the Wellesley community for becoming an environment where free speech is not allowed or is a violated right. Many outside sources have painted us as a bunch of hot house flowers who cannot exist in the real world. However, we fundamentally disagree with that characterization, and we disagree with the idea that free speech is infringed upon at Wellesley. Rather, our Wellesley community will not stand for hate speech, and will call it out when possible.