Anti-Trump Protests | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 13
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Anti-Trump Protests Tag

Shortly after Donald Trump won November's presidential election, Mary Chastain reported that a white motorist in Chicago had his car hijacked while being taunted by a  black mob that mocked and assaulted him, while shouting anti-Trump language. Those arrested for the hijacking were between 17 and 26 in age. Despite the clear shouting of anti-Trump slogans and racial nature of the assault, the media tried to downplay the incident. Now, another group of young Chicago thugs are under arrest for a racist and anti-Trump assault.

I thought safety pins were the most ludicrous symbol of political protesting ever used. However, that stupidity has been completely surpassed by the Pussy-Hat. Let me give you a little background on the latest social justice buffoonery. As savvy Legal Insurrection readers may be aware, a "Million Women March" is being planned in conjunction with Donald Trump's presidential inauguration festivities. It has wisely been rebranded "Women's March on Washington" (as I suspect the final count will be slightly shy of 1,000,000 participants).

The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats starts with words (highlighted) I think of very often:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
I recently highlighted those words, "the center cannot hold," to a friend when describing some of the insane rantings I've seen on Facebook against Trump and about the election result. Liberals have lost it.

The most valuable lesson to be had in 2016 may be that tying your firm's products to politics is a bad business model. The latest person to learn this lesson is a Maine propane distributor who recently refused to sell gas to Trump voters.
If you call Turner LP Gas in Skowhegan, you get a message from owner Michael Turner: “If you voted for Donald Trump for president, I will no longer be delivering your gas,” it says. “Please find someone else.” Reached on Friday night, Turner said he recorded the message on Election Day. After media learned of it earlier that day, he said he had 50 voicemails. Most of them were from angry Trump supporters, but he said one of four were supportive.

Anti-Israel activists, usually acting under the banner of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, repeatedly try to hijack unrelated causes to turn them against Israel. We have documented such actions many times, including with regard to Ferguson (Michael Brown) and Baltimore (Freddie Gray) riots, Eric Garner protests, the Standing Rock Sioux pipeline protest, domestic U.S. police shootings, Reclaim MLK marches, and the Black Lives Matter movement, among others. None of this is solidarity. It's conquest of other peoples and movements to redirect them to and focus attention on the BDS anti-Israel agenda. It is a form of Settler Colonialism, BDS is a Settler Colonial Ideology. Not surprisingly, BDS groups are attempting to inject themselves into and dominate the anti-Trump protests and riots.