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Antisemitism Tag

Jews have been under seige and attack in the Swedish city of Malmö for years as leftist policitians turned a blind eye or cooperated in anti-Israeli agitation by Islamists and other pro-Palestinian groups.  See my prior post, Malmö Syndrome.  It is a phenomenon spreading across...

I have written a number of times about the persecution of Jews in the Swedish city of Malmö by Islamists with the connivance of anti-Israeli leftists, including the Mayor: Malmö Syndrome All Swedes Are Malmö Jews Now Not Just Malmö This Islamist-Leftist coalition manifesting itself in anti-Israeli actions which inevitably...

Via Professor Bainbridge, the Presbyterian Church once again is considering a divestment of Israeli companies as part of an ongoing attempt to boycott everything Israeli: Once again, the Presbyterian Church (USA) is considering divesting from certain companies that do business with the Israeli government. As I explained the last...

Today's is the 64th anniversary of Israel's founding. Against seemingly insurmountable odds, Israel survived the War of Independence, and then some.  Now it is engaged in an existential struggle with the Islamists of every persuasion and location, and their anti-Israel allies in NGO's, "peace" groups, academia, the...

On March 11, Nicky Larson wrote a column for The Independent (Ireland) hitting on virulent anti-Israel sentiment in Ireland: I used to hate Israel. I used to think the Left was always right. Not any more. Now I loathe Palestinian terrorists. Now I see why Israel...

Their War On Women Moe Lane updates on the Susan G. Komen Foundation's fundraising problems resulting from the left-wing boycott of Komen after Komen dropped sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, but then caved in to pressure and let go a top executive: The first explanation is that pro-choice...

Via The Times of Israel: Four people were shot and killed at a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse Monday morning. A rabbi and his two young children were among the dead, as well as an 8-year-old girl. Several more people were injured. Rabbi Jonathan Sandler,...

There are few things so vile as the various "Israel Apartheid Week" activities that have taken place the last few years, an attempt by the coalition of Islamists and Leftists to delegitimize Israel, and everything about Israel. Look at the speaker list of almost any of...

One of my big regrets is not making more of a connection with Alan Dershowitz while in law school. I didn't take any of his classes, but I did have some interaction with him since he was the faculty advisor to the Jewish Law Students Association.  We...

Israel Matzav and  JWeekly have good write-ups of the anti-Israel derangement at the University of Pennsylvania, which hosted a Boycott Divest Sanction conference.  Not Boycott Divest Sanction Syria, or Saudi Arabia, or Iran ...

I previously have highlighted the treatment of the "Arab Street" by NY Times columnist Roger Cohen in the midst of the Arab Spring protests, many of which revealed an open and ugly anti-Semitic side: In the Middle East you expect the worst. But having watched Egypt’s extraordinary civic...

First it was Lara Logan.  Then other female journalists: The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders on Friday cautioned  news outlets on sending female reporters to Cairo’s Tahrir Square, citing three  incidents in which reporters have been assaulted. “It is more dangerous for a woman than a...

Calling Israel an "Apartheid State" and the barrier built to keep out suicide bombers the "Apartheid Wall" is part of the standard lexicon of the Islamist-Lefist Anti-Israel Coalition. In The New York Times today, Richard Goldstone calls the apartheid terminology a slander, Israel and the Apartheid...

An employee of the L.A. School District and active Occupy Los Angleles supporter was fired for her anti-Semitic comments which have garnered a lot of attention. Here's the video of her reaction to the firing, where she doubles down (h/t IsraellyCool): The easy answer would be sure, fire her,...