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Al Sharpton Tag

Al Sharpton loves to insert himself into situations when he thinks he can gain some relevance as a result. This week he visited Del Rio, Texas, but not because the thousands of migrants there have been living in squalor for days. It was only after the fake news story about Border Patrol agents using whips went viral due to Democrats and our dishonest media, that Sharpton became interested in the situation.

As the calls from left-wing activists to "defund the police" have grown in the two weeks since the death of George Floyd, so, too, have the explainers from the MSM on how "defunding the police" is supposedly not about getting rid of police departments altogether but instead is about partially shifting some police funding into local communities.

I've been more than a little distracted the last few days, so I haven't been able to follow the news cycle (aka Trump's Twitter feed) quite as closely as the rest of the internet. My takeaway from glimpses of the fighting is that Trump has Democrats defending and supporting:

It's "Al Sharpton Primary" week in New York City, and many of the 2020 Democratic candidates for president have lined up to kiss the reverend's ring at the annual National Action Network convention. One in particular is Beto O'Rourke, failed candidate for U.S. Senate. In a flip flop from his earlier positions on the reparations issue, the former El Paso Congressman told the crowd in attendance Wednesday he'd be on board with signing a proposed reparations bill:
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke appeared Wednesday to back off his initial opposition to slavery reparations, saying he would support a bill in Congress to study and consider the payments.

Beto O'Rourke is scoping out a presidential run. According to Buzzfeed, his recon included a call to Al Sharpton to schedule a meeting. A Sharpton spokeswoman confirmed to Buzzfeed that "they spoke and agreed to meet within the next couple of weeks and they had a great conversation."

Jesus: social justice warrior? Apparently so, if you believe Jacqui Lewis, senior minister of the very liberal Middle Collegiate Church in NYC. During her appearance on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this morning, Lewis described Jesus as a "brown-skinned Palestinian man who understood he needed to resist." The notion that Jesus was Palestinian has been thoroughly debunked. He was Jewish, after all. But that hasn't stopped anti-Semites like Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, from also making the claim.

An Al Sharpton guest has the early lead for today's most simultaneously inflammatory and nonsensical statement. Ras Baraka, mayor of Newark, NJ, said that in clamping down on sanctuary cities such as his, the Trump administration is "trying to intimidate us into being what I've called fugitive slave catchers." Not only is the image abhorrent, it is utterly illogical. By enforcing the immigration laws, the Trump admin is not seeking to force illegal immigrants into uncompensated labor. To the contrary, the goal is to deport them.

A former Obama White House adviser to President Obama, Karine Jean-Pierre, said this morning that "the thing about Donald Trump is that he is the known. He is, it is very reminiscent of cross-burning in front of your house. Of the KKK." Jean-Pierre made her outrageous remark in response to a question from Al Sharpton, on his MSNBC show, as to what justice will be like under President Trump. The supposed Republican on the panel, Elise Jordan, rather than refuting Jean-Pierre, essentially seconded her, saying Trump "spends more time decrying a New York Times reporter than these white supremacists who are going out and committing these horrible acts."

Quick: name the woman who was the object of Donald Trump's crude remarks on the hot mic. Bet most of us can't. Because her identity, while not a secret, has not been featured in the coverage. For example, this Insurrectionist sampled most of the Sunday talks shows this morning and didn't hear the woman's name, or race, mentioned once, nor was her photo displayed. But that won't stop someone determined to drag race and racism into the matter from doing so. Enter Tara Dowdell. The former Apprentice participant, appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this morning, claimed that there is "more concern and outrage" about Trump's hot mic comments because they were "focused on a white woman." Dowdell's statement amounted to an accusation of racism against Americans at large—you deplorables!

Morning Joe did a very decent job today of covering the shooting of police officers in Dallas and the issue of police shootings of African-American. The remarks were generally even-handed. Even Al Sharpton was cautious and balanced in his comments. And so it was surprising that of all people, Chuck Todd made the most tendentious remark. Speaking of the shooting of Philando Castile in St. Paul, Minnesota, and discussing the need for better police training, Todd said: "how do you train prejudice and hate out of somebody's heart? That's a tough thing." Is there racism among police? Of course, as there is in every segment of society. Was the Minnesota governor right when he said Castile would be alive if he were white? Quite possibly. But for Todd to focus on police "prejudice and hate" was a gross and unfair overgeneralization. Chuck Todd: please spend a few days in a police cruiser in an inner city. See what the police see and have to deal with every day. Then come back and tell us whether police "prejudice and hate" is the key to the problems facing our society.

As embroiled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel faces a chorus of criticism, the choir just got a little bit louder. MSNBC host and activist about town Al Sharpton called for Emanuel to resign. At the center of the controversy -- police-involved shootings.

MSNBC is dropping the Reverend Al Sharpton's program 'PoliticsNation' from its daily lineup and moving him to a weekly slot which will air on Sunday mornings at 8 am. Alex Weprin of Politico reports:
MSNBC moves Al Sharpton to Sunday mornings Sharpton's last weekday "PoliticsNation" will be Sept. 4. He moves to Sundays a month later on Oct. 4, according to a memo sent to MSNBC staff by the channel's president Phil Griffin Wednesday evening. "I want to congratulate Al and his team. For four years they have done a terrific job bringing his voice and a big spotlight to issues of justice, civil rights and equality. And as many of you know, The Rev never missed a show," Griffin wrote in the email. "I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do with a Sunday morning newsmaker program." The 6 pm hour will temporarily be filled by "MSNBC Live," the channel's weekday news program. A permanent replacement will be named "soon after" Sharpton moves, per Griffin.