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Al Qaeda Tag

Pakistan's highest court has ordered the release of an Islamist sentenced to death for the kidnapping and beheading of the American journalist Daniel Pearl. Omar Saeed Sheikh, the main suspect in the killing, and three other co-conspirators "are to be released immediately if they are not required in any other case," the Pakistan Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

The London Bridge attacker, who murdered at least two people on Friday, has been identified as an Islamic terrorist previously convicted of planning an Al Qaeda terror plot in London. The 28-yer-old terrorist of Pakistani origin, Usman Khan, was out on parole after serving less than seven years of his 16-year prison sentence for planning to blow up the  London Stock Exchange and U.S. embassy, among other targets. The convicted terrorist was wearing an electronic tag at the time of the attack, the UK news reports confirm.

A US official told CNN today that an airstrike probably killed al-Qaeda terrorist Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi, the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. The attack killed 17 sailors and injured 39 others. Many believe the terrorist attack "foreshadowed the attack on the US less than one year later on September 11, 2001."

At the 2012 Democratic National Convention, the big moment was Joe Biden triumphantly declaring “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive." It turns out that in order to make that narrative stick, Obama had to downplay the actual strength of al-Qaeda.

With the New York truck attacker having been identified as an Uzbek national, at least four of the recent high-profile Islamist terror attacks have been carried out by either an Uzbek national or an ethnic Uzbek. This list includes the Stockholm truck attack that killed four and the Saint Petersburg bombing that killed 13. Muslims from former Soviet republics in Central Asia, or the '5 stans,' are one of the largest group serving in the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq -- perhaps second only to recruits coming from Europe.

The CIA has released thousands of documents, videos, computer files, and pictures that U.S. forces captured during the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan in May 2011. FDD's Long War Journal (LWJ) has been pressing the agency to release these items, which have given us insight into al-Qaeda and the man responsible for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed over 3,000 Americans. This includes bin Laden's journal and more recent images of his son Hamza bin Laden.

In my memory, there are certain place markers in the history of terrorism that led to where we are today. The 1972 Munich Massacre of Israeli athletes (1972); the bombing of the Beirut Marine Barracks (1983), the World Trade Center attacks (1993 and 2001); the Jerusalem Sbarro Pizza bombing (2001) and the videotaped beheading of Daniel Pearl, February 1, 2002. I don't diminish the significance and horror of other attacks, it's just that these are memory reference points for me.

Before the Obamas could even move out of the White House at the end of the term, the president's legacy is unveiling itself across the Muslim World. From Mediterranean Sea to Persian Gulf, the forces of Radical Islam continue to score one triumph after another. Once reduced to hunted fugitives by President George W. Bush's military campaign of 2001, the emboldened Taliban fighters have once again raised the Islamist battle cry of 'Allahu Akbar' as they embark on a nationwide offensive to wrestle back control of Afghanistan. Taliban fighters have captured most of central Kunduz city, a strategically important city some 200 miles north-west of Afghan capital of Kabul, claims French news agency AFP. French television channel France24 showed footage of Taliban fighters in the centre of the city after having run over the city's defences -- before one could say Afghan National Army. Government forces still control the city's airport and started preparations to repel the Taliban out of Kunduz, French report claims.

Al Qaeda has a bit of advice for lone wolf jihadis planning terrorist in attacks in America -- make sure victims are white. Omar Mateen, ISIS devotee, chose a gay nightclub in Orlando for his jihad. Subsequently, Attorney General Lynch suggested love was the best weapon against hate (which would be true if the hate weren't blowing people up, decapitating, crucifying, and shooting up the Homeland), House Democrats built a pillow fort to protest the bill of rights, Hollywood demanded we DO SOMETHING ABOUT GUNS!, and the fact that a major terrorist attack occurred was sorely neglected. Fox News reported:

On Tuesday, German police in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia arrested a Syrian man charged with serious war crimes after arriving from Syria. The former militia commander is suspected of pillaging, plundering and committing brutalities against civilian in the city of Aleppo, Syria. The initial reports have not confirmed if the suspect entered Germany using a false identity or posing as a refugee. In 2015, Germany took in more than a million migrants. The actual figures are believed to be much higher. Just this week, the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung reported that according to Interior Ministry's estimates some 500,000 unregistered migrants were roaming across Germany.

I had not thought in a long time about Richard Reid, who attempted the shoe bombing of a passenger jet on December 22, 2001. You can read the indictment here, and the government's sentencing memo here. I thought about him early this morning when I read an old post of mine from 2011, about his sentencing by Judge William Young of the U.S. District Court in Boston in January 2003. It brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.

Newly released documents from the State Department indicate the U.S. government has known Islamic extremists have been entering the country via Mexico for over ten years.

A cable obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act shows the U.S. was aware of "smuggling networks" that specialize in the trafficking of suspected Islamic extremists across the U.S.-Mexico border. The 2004 cable was sent to the State Department by the American Consulate in Juarez, Mexico.

Perhaps most alarming was the mention of a top Al Qaeda operative by the name of Adnan el Shukrijumah. The 2004 cable indicates the U.S. had human intelligence leading to his "exact whereabouts." It was not until December of 2014 - ten years later - that Shukrijumah would be captured (or in this case, killed in Pakistan).

Shukrijumah was described by FBI as "a grave danger to the security of the United States" and had ties to 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed as well as to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Among other acts domestic and abroad, he helped plot the 2009 foiled bombing of Oprah Winfrey's Chicago studios and the Sears Tower.

On 9/11's 10th anniversary I wrote a post that contained this observation:
For those of us who were grownups when 9/11 happened, it’s also been transmuted—not to something that was always there, but to something that’s been incorporated into our view of the world. We’ve all done that differently. But for us, the shock and surprise and horror reoccurs (to a somewhat diminished extent, of course; there’s no shock like the first shock) whenever we see the footage, or when we think—really really think, without the protective shield of familiarity—of what actually happened on that day.
I believe that, in the four years that have passed since I wrote those words, 9/11 has been transmuted into something that was always there, something that no longer surprises. And although I haven't watched any footage today of the attack, I think there is less shock and no surprise. The reason for that is that a great deal has happened since I wrote those words four years ago. Since then, although we had responded in Afghanistan to 9/11 and then to Saddam Hussein's defiance of nuclear weapons inspections in Iraq, the Obama administration has purposely wiped out those gains, particularly in Iraq. When I wrote that 10-year anniversary piece in September of 2011, the US was poised on the brink of Obama's complete withdrawal from Iraq, which he was determined to accomplish against the opinion and advice of every military adviser. In the four years since that withdrawal, ISIS has risen up in the vacuum that was left, and it has wreaked horrors on civilian populations, barbarities that are of enormous scale and magnitude even compared to 9/11 and which have reverberated around the world with images of sadistic violence. Does anyone doubt for a single moment that the killers would wreak a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand 9/11s on us if they could?