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2020 Election Tag

Every once in a while, the GOP gets its act together.  In this case, the goal is to register as many unregistered GOP voters as possible.  Democrats  have long outpaced the GOP in voter registration.  Until now.

Amid continuing civil unrest, social justice antics, and pandemic coverage, it may be hard to recall the Democratic Party's primary season and the impeachment process that occurred in the early months of this apocalyptic year.

Young Democratic voters are not particularly excited about the prospect of voting for Joe Biden, and who can blame them? The primary began with over 20 candidates and ended with, well, Joe Biden. Young voters tend to be more progressive and they're getting the most Democrat establishment candidate available.

It's safe to assume Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is on the shortlist of possible running mates for Joe Biden. Harris has made it clear that she supports Biden's candidacy now that he is the presumptive nominee. Back in 2019, however, she was saying something very different.

Over the last few years, the media has gotten into the habit of lazily dismissing things as conspiracy theories and accusing people they don't like of being conspiracy theorists. They have done this to Trump repeatedly. Now Joe Biden is actively pushing an actual conspiracy theory, and the accusations are nowhere to be found.