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2020 Democratic Primary Tag

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll discovered that enthusiasm and Independent support for Democrats has gone down ahead of the 2020 elections. The poll found that "75 percent of Republican registered voters say they have high interest in the 2020 presidential election — registering a '9' or '10' on a 10-point scale — versus 73 percent of Democratic voters who say the same thing."

2020 presidential candidate Robert O'Rourke became the latest Democrat to call for Congress to begin the process to impeach President Donald Trump after the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report. From The Dallas Morning News:
"We're finally learning the truth about this president. And yes, there has to be consequences. Yes, there has to be accountability. Yes, I think there's enough evidence now for the House of Representatives to move forward with impeachment," he said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News. "This is our country, and this is the one chance that we get to ensure that it remains a democracy and that no man, regardless of his position, is above the law."

Democrats already have avowed socialist and party-alienating "Independent" Senator Bernie Sanders (VT), and they have Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) chirping her mini-me support for Bernie's socialist policies from the back row. No matter.  Surveying the train wreck of a clown car that is the growing list of 2020 Democrat presidential hopefuls, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio apparently thought there just weren't enough socialists from the Northeast running for the party's nomination.

Just a few months ago, people on CNN and MSNBC were calling Michael Avenatti a contender for 2020. His legal troubles have put an end to that, but Avenatti still wants to be involved so he endorsed Joe Biden. What a great win for Joe.

Former Vice President gave his first interview after announcing his presidential campaign on The View this morning. Many topics came up, including his inappropriate touching of women and Anita Hill. The five women pressed him for apologies, but Biden stopped short of providing one.