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2016 Election Tag

There's long been speculation about what President Obama will be doing after January 20, 2017. Much of it has centered around ideas connected with the international scene, particularly the UN and the post of Secretary-General. But by custom, that position has never been filled by anyone who is a citizen of a Security Council nation, so it's a career trajectory that's highly unlikely for Obama. What's more, about a month ago Obama himself expressed some thoughts on the subject of his plans. To understand what he might have been referring to, it helps to take a look at the results of the Obama years, not on the international level but at the local level of the states. During Obama's presidency, the Republicans have pretty much taken over at the state level, as this chart illustrates:

Disgust at the open bias, collusion and smugness of the media -- from the older line major networks to the 20/30-something former SJWs with keyboards -- was part of the background for the backlash leading to the Trump victory. As that same media rolls effortlessly into attacking President-Elect Trump's transition and appointments, consider this analysis by Will Rahn of CBS News. It's possibly the best I've seen. Here's and excerpt and video, but please read the whole thing.

Try to imagine for a moment, what would happen if public schools in a conservative community were offered a lesson plan in 2008 which was in any way critical of then President Elect Barack Obama. We all know what would have followed, don't we? Of course, the reverse of this situation never would have happened because the driving force behind this is a teachers union and we all know which party they support. Just remember as you read this, that this is a public school system.

No one has called the North Carolina governor's race between incumbent Governor Pat McCrory (R) and his challenger Roy Cooper (D) since only 5,000 votes separate the two. To make matters worse, there are now allegations of voter fraud on absentee ballots:
A protest has been filed in Bladen County alleging that a handful of people may have improperly submitted hundreds of absentee ballots, while also getting paid for get-out-the-vote efforts by a community group funded by the N.C. Democratic Party. According to the protest filed by McCrae Dowless, who won election as soil and water district supervisor, the handwriting on a number of ballots and the signatures of some mail-in absentee witnesses were similar. He said the questioned ballots seem to have been cast in favor of a straight ticket of candidates and also to vote for a man named Franklin Graham, who ran a write-in campaign for soil and water district supervisor.

A new Media Research Center (MRC) and YouGov poll shows that the majority of voters recognized media bias during the presidential election, but chose to reject it: