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I don’t think it’s overstatement to say that Obama successfully has isolated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by bringing the major world powers plus Germany into an Iran nuclear agreement publicly opposed by Netanyahu (and quietly by many Arab countries). The perennial thorn in Obama’s...

Mideast Media Sampler 11/14/2013 -- Any Agreement is Better than No Agreement?

We are on the cusp of the most historic sell-out of Israel by any United States administration. We told you all along that in his second term Obama would impose a settlement on Israel according to what he viewed as reasonable: Obama will force his vision...

I’m not overly enamored of the complaint that Obama will negotiate with the Iranians, Syrians and Russians, but not with Republicans. The complaint sounds a little whiny. But it does prove a point. A point that I made long ago about how Obama treats the...

The full text is here. Scott Johnson at Power Line has some of the key excerpts exposing the history of Iran’s new “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani. Rouhani is anything but moderate, he was a key player in numerous terrorist attacks and the building of Iran’s...

NY Times Op-Ed placement inadvertently reflects Obama's foreign policy

When aliens said "We come in peace," they almost invariably had their sights set on world domination. So beware Vladimir Putin when he comes bearing peace.