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Given the news, that could refer to several different issues. But I mean it with regard to Syria, where almost everyone seems to view Assad’s days are numbered, but no one seems to be sure how many days.  With Iran and Hezbollah at this side,...

Israel reportedly has been under cyber attack by Anonymous, although the lethality of the attacks is questioned: Anonymous, the loose coalition of hackers waging war on Israeli Web sites, is the least of Israel’s cyber problems. Its campaign against Israel is a minor annoyance compared...

So says Paul Richter in the Los Angeles Times: The increasingly bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is threatening the Obama administration’s plans to reinvigorate its Middle East diplomacy, creating new obstacles across the region as the president prepares for his...

The cycle of perpetual outrage and victimhood continues. Mitt Romney pointed out something obvious, that Israel has a record of economic success unmatched by those under Palestinian Authority control, attributing it to cultural and other factors: “As you come here and you see the GDP...

As you know from the primaries, I’m no fan of John Sununu. But when it comes to Obama’s complete lack of understanding and disdain for what makes this country’s economy work, Sununu got it right yesterday Despite the media hoopla, tell me exactly what was wrong with...

How long before the U.N. demands Bernie Madoff be appointed head of the Securities and Exchange Commission: In what one critic called a move akin to placing Bernie Madoff in charge of thwarting fraud on the stock market, Iran has been elected as one of...

Some flee the sinking ship.  Via Times of Israel: Manaf Tlas, one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s closest friends and most trusted military colleagues, who is also the son of the Assad regime’s former long-serving defense minister, has defected from the Assad regime and fled...

The successful Navy SEAL raid which killed Osama bin Laden is becoming one of the central themes of the Obama campaign. Almost every other sentence out of the mouth of Joe Biden (who opposed the raid) is about “bin Laden.” We know that bin Laden was...

It might be a little premature for Bashar Assad to claim victory, but he’s feeling confident enough to do so anyway. Via Reuters: Syria says the year-old revolt to topple President Bashar al-Assad is over, but the army again shelled opposition areas on Saturday and...

From Seth Mandel: When foreign policy “realists,” pseudo-realists, and leftists claim that the pro-Israel establishment is preventing an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, their argument fails to account for one aspect of recent Mideast history: During the administrations of American presidents seen as favoring Israel, the Jewish...

The last best hope of mankind tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern. In the meantime: They tried to redistrict away Michele Bachmann, but she’s fighting on.  And yes, despite everything, I support having her in Congress.  Her congressional campaign website is here. “we liked Matt Drudge...

Israel Matzav and  JWeekly have good write-ups of the anti-Israel derangement at the University of Pennsylvania, which hosted a Boycott Divest Sanction conference.  Not Boycott Divest Sanction Syria, or Saudi Arabia, or Iran … just Israel. We have featured these anti-Semitic — yes that’s what they are by...

Fake: Real: Fake fake fake fake, but a real problem, don’t you think?  People still think Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. Elsewhere: Happy Birthday, Mr. President. Who Castrated Ann Coulter? Well, he does have a nice healthy smile. Why is...

There seems to be a war brewing in the Middle East, if not on the battlefield at least in the political realm. The Wall Street Journal and many others report tension between the U.S. and Israel over a potential strike on Iran.  There also is tension...

A collection of things: Syrian exiles: ‘Clinton told dissidents to lay down their arms’ Elizabeth Warren is so bad we need to support Scott Brown. No fracking, the movie. Jinx. Fabulous 50 blog awards. Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran, triggers. Who makes “Newt Gingrich [look] like...

Some stuff: How much is that drone worth to the Russians and Chinese?  And who believes the Iranians brought it down softly without help? Watching Obama’s 60 min interview.  Expecting the worst.  Doubt I’ll do a separate post about it, but who knows. Palestinian Authority...